All posts by The Irreverent Sales Girl

“That’s Not Like Me!” Using Bad Habit Truths to Your Advantage

What is one thing you know you would NEVER do? Like REALLY know you would never do it? It may be something like Embezzle… or try Crack Cocaine… or Poison Someone Else’s Dog. I’m talking about something that is completely out of the realm of possibility for you.

That is something that is truly JUST NOT LIKE YOU!

You are RELIABLE to not do it.

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Now, think of something that you sometimes do – that you know isn’t so fabulous for you. Something like… eat entire bags of kettle corn after 11 at night… or smoke cigarettes … or spend too much money on QVC. This is something that you would prefer that it isn’t like you, but you have to admit that, reluctantly…

It IS just like you!

How did that happen? How did you become somewhat enslaved to a behavior that you wish was JUST NOT LIKE YOU?

How it happened was that you did it ONCE.

At one time in your life – doing that one behavior JUST WASN’T LIKE YOU. Then, you did it once.  Now it was JUST LIKE YOU!

OK – let’s not dwell in the bad stuff.

How can you apply this same principle to all the GOOD STUFF you want to have in your life?

First, think of something you WISH you were doing regularly or something that you wish were true about you, but it’s JUST NOT LIKE YOU!

It could be getting up at 5 am and exercising. It could be reading a book once a week. It could be making an hour of cold calls each Wednesday. It could be speaking at local business meetings regularly.

The good news is…to start a new GOOD habit is the exact same as starting a bad habit …

The first step is to do it one time. Just once.

Look what happened… doing that thing has become JUST LIKE YOU! Now it IS just like you to get up at 5 and go to the gym! How do you know? You did it just yesterday!

Now, it IS just like you to read a book in a week. How do you know? You did it just last week!

Now, it IS just like you to speak in front of the business meetings. How do you know? You did it just last Monday.

So, I invite you to look and see:

What is one good behavior that you would like to make a habit?

What is it going to take for you to go out and do it just once?

The first step is to do it just that once. A huge hurdle has been overcome: Now, it IS JUST LIKE YOU.

Of course, the second step is to do it again… but, let’s worry about that when we come to it.

Love it UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Should YOU be a salesperson? Take the QUIZ:

#TBT – Fill the emotional gap and you are unstoppable!


Here’s my Throw Back Thursday Article from early 2015 – an article about tapping into how people REALLY make buying decisions!

Every real estate professional knows that a property is much more likely to sell if it is “staged” – all set up with sofas, pictures, flowers, accessories – like someone amazing already lives there. Somebody THEY want to be.

It makes their buyer RELATE emotionally to the house.

You can do the exact same thing! In every presentation, meeting, proposal, bring the magic of: “This is who you want to be!”

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Continue reading #TBT – Fill the emotional gap and you are unstoppable!

Would Someone Please Just Say It Like It Is?

photodune-3721815-female-speaking--xsIs anyone else out there tired of listening to business people use big words and phrases to make their topic sound more important than it really is? Or maybe make themselves look smarter and sexier than they really are?

Do you ever find yourself wishing that they would just say it like it really is?

I do!

So, I’ve put together my very own totally Irreverent, mostly accurate, and thankfully abridged glossary for your edification (and amusement) about what commonly used business and sales terms actually mean. Not in alphabetical order because, well, you’ll see…

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

CAUTION: This one is a teensy bit snarkier than my typical post. It may not be suitable for all audiences – especially those who use these terms regularly.


Continue reading Would Someone Please Just Say It Like It Is?

Are you a Networking Rock-Star at Conferences?


It is officially conference season!

I don’t know how YOU feel about conferences, but they always put me a little on edge. I mean, going to the right conferences and meeting the right people is an incredible way to SPEED UP SALES.  But all of those people you have to talk to? And get to know? And approach in an appropriate manner?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

It’s exhausting!

Here is one simple thing that I like to keep in mind when I am attending conferences. It helps me a lot and I hope it will help you, too.

People Like To Be Included

They may not look like it. They may not act like it. But, fundamentally, they like to be included. Even if they turn an invitation down, they like to be asked!

Here’s how to use this to your advantage at your next conference.

Continue reading Are you a Networking Rock-Star at Conferences?


This is one of my very favorite topics.  This Throwback Thursday article was originally published in May of 2014. Enjoy!

OMG! I was in a TERRIBLE sales presentation the other day. TERRIBLE.

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The presenter was Hooked On Pronouns.

“We, you, they, it, he, she, their” … it went on and on. (Example: So, I said this to him about it, and he said he was interested in their results.) WHAT?


When you use pronouns, you make your audience feel like idiots!

Continue reading #TBT – LOSE THE PRONOUNS!

Worried about being aggressive? The opposite is just as bad!


I was talking with a business owner friend, Bob, the other day. He’d recently made the decision to NOT do business with a company he was considering.

That’s not so uncommon.

What was interesting was the REASON Bob wasn’t going to become a client.

Here’s how it played out:

This company had something Bob needed.

Bob attended a webinar to learn more and kick the tires. He really liked what he saw.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Next, a salesperson called to follow up and see if he’d gotten value from the webinar. He had!

Then, the salesperson said he would send Bob some more information and if he ever needed anything, he should just call them up!

And, then they hung up.

And, Bob was left hanging…  Continue reading Worried about being aggressive? The opposite is just as bad!

#TBT – A dream that will take all the love you can give

rsz_alpine-1180066This post dates W-A-A-A-Y back to January 2012 – Enjoy our Throwback Thursday Irreverent Article.


I know it maybe corny, but that song from The Sound of Music – “Climb Every Mountain” – turns out, it’s right on the money! Look it up!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

But, the most important thing to remember…..when you’re moving through molasses…..working to get to your dream…..remember, it’s going to require every fiber of your being – the big dream. Often, it’s easy to get trapped in, “Well, this life is just great enough, I’ll take it” (and that’s valid).

But, the BIG ONE takes all of you, leaves nothing wanting — and the Universe will align in mysterious ways when you give it all you’ve got. Anyone tells you something else? Well, don’t take any wooden nickels!

I know you’ve got it in you, or you wouldn’t be reading this right now!


The Irreverent Sales Girl”

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Break this Sales Commandment: KNOW THY COMPETITION

breaking wallI was listening to an absolutely brilliant speaker the other day – talking about sales. Most everything he said was right on the money and I loved it. But, he said one thing that I just don’t buy!

He asserted that successful salespeople should know their competition inside-and-out.

Now, why in the world would you do that?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Here are the three DEADLY things that happen when you know your competition inside-and-out:

Continue reading Break this Sales Commandment: KNOW THY COMPETITION

The Busy-Prospect/Binge-Watching Paradox

Binge-watching is a thing. I know it. I’ve been traveling and everywhere I go – whether I sit in First Class or Coach. Whether I’m speaking to senior management or rank-and-file. Everyone’s got their guilty-pleasure binge-watch shows.

It can be Netflix or Amazon or Hulu or DVD’s of past seasons. Even those who “don’t own a TV” or “don’t watch TV” are binge-watching on their device of choice.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Yet, we kid ourselves into thinking that our inability to get a prospect’s attention or to close the deal has something to do with the fact that they are super-busy.

The reality is that they are just too busy for you!

People make time for all sorts of things! They spend time surfing YouTube, catching up on Facebook, hanging at the bar or a restaurant with work buddies or other friends. Reading stuff, listening to stuff, or watching stuff on the treadmill at the gym.

Even in the middle of the work day, people stop everything for the “hair-on-fire” meeting – or maybe just to talk over the water cooler.

I mean, don’t you do that stuff?

The problem isn’t that your prospect doesn’t have time – they just aren’t spending it on you!

You have simply failed to become Irresistibly Relevant.

Continue reading The Busy-Prospect/Binge-Watching Paradox

When cold calls SIMMER!

When cold calls SIMMER!

This article is nearly 3 years old, but it is an all-time favorite!


Wow! Did I have SOME FUN this week! 

I was doing my cold calls. (Ugh, you think, COLD CALLS – So do I, by the way!)

But, I am always looking for creative ways to make my cold calls instantly WARM (like throwing them in the Microwave for thirty seconds – DING!)

I sort of surprised myself with this one.

Before I made one of my calls, I checked my contact out on LinkedIn.

Guess what! 

My key prospect contact is directly related to one of my rabid fans!

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So, what did I do? 

I reached out to my rabid fan BY PHONE – (PLEASE stop hiding behind emails. It SO doesn’t work –  it makes you feel like you’ve actually done something. You haven’t.)

I told her — “Carol, I am reaching out to ABC Company and I see you are directly related to Amanda who I’d really like to talk with.”

Carol called me right back!

She was so excited! She said “Yes! Amanda SHOULD be talking with you. In fact, her boss is even better. I am going to call them and make an introduction personally.”

Then, came the surprise – Carol went one better

Carol went on to tell me all about what the company was dealing with and why they needed to talk with me so badly.

Then, she said, “After you talk with them, call me right back. I will follow up and make sure they know why they should buy. Besides, you should be talking with Amanda’s boss – who happens to love me.”

Here’s something EVEN cooler. 

Carol is a prospect!

She hasn’t even bought our product yet. But, she was so tickled to get my request for her help that she told me that she had committed to buy and mapped out her own company’s budgeting process.

Carol and I are now partners! 

What a win!

If you could have ALL of your cold calls simmer like this, wouldn’t you LOVE doing them?

Tell me about YOUR awesome-sauce strategies. I want to hear. Perhaps I will feature you in my cold-calling boot camps!

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl