All posts by The Irreverent Sales Girl

Guard your systems like your success depends on it!

Guard your systems like your success depends on it! Because it does!

The story of how a broken vacuum cleaner single-handedly wrecked my garage

Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it? But it’s the solid gold truth.

I worked for days, slaved really to get my garage in pristine order – so that we could park both cars within the warm caverns during the bracing cold and ice of the winter-time.

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There was a place for everything and everything in it’s place

The system 

Every single-dingle time I took something from the garage, I replaced it EXACTLY where it belonged. Every single-dingle time I put something new into the garage, I found a new place for it to go that was orderly and obvious.

IT WAS WORKING. Both cars hummed smoothly and efficiently into the garage. We could find anything we wanted at a moment’s notice.

Then, the Vacuum! 

In a hurry one day, I was cleaning out a closet and found our vacuum cleaner that hadn’t worked in years. I wasn’t sure if I was going to toss it, donate it, or get it fixed. So, what did I do?

You may have guessed. I put it in the garage! Just set it there, right in the middle.


The garage suddenly became the old and cluttered place it had become. Seemed like it happened overnight.

One car squeezes into our garage now and it is a monumental effort to find anything. The vacuum is gone, but the legacy it left behind remains.

A System is Powerful, but it is also FRAGILE

The vacuum cleaner debacle is EXACTLY how our lives work.

If you are Stephen King, you keep your system. You sit down and write your appropriated words every single-dingle day. It is the difference between being someone whose tomes occupy an entire section of my book shelf and being, well, whatever else he would have been.

It is the difference between an Olympic Athlete and a  Weekend Warrior.

Wanna be great? Wanna meet your goals? Put a system in place and guard it like everything depends on it. It does. One slip and it can be a monumental effort to restore the discipline and the results. No slip equals monumental results.

Love your systems UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Do you have your goals…or do your goals have YOU?

Goals are a curious thiDo you have your goals...or do your goals HAVE YOU? ng

Where do they come from? Who said they were the right goals? Why do I see meeting my quota as a goal and running a marathon as not a goal? How did that get wired?

Why “goals” anyway?

Seems like we’re supposed to have goals, right? But, have we even examined why we have the goals we do? Have you? How do they serve you? DO they serve you?

The ATTAINABLE goals…the goals with the glory!

Somehow, the goals that I have achieved in my life – yes, even EXCEEDED – with wild and flying colors – seem to have PICKED ME!

It’s like a secret, strong, and silent voice urged me to GO FOR that one thing. And it was EASY to commit, even felt natural. It does NOT MEAN they were easy to achieve, but I had the heart – the gusto – the “over-my-dead-body” about them.

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I’m wondering…

Am I setting the goals I think I “should” set?

Am I setting goals because setting goals is the right thing to do?

Or, am I paying attention to that inner pull? Maybe “my purpose”?

So, I’ve learned to trust the goals that HAVE ME!

They wake me up early in the morning. They drive me. They take me to the places that I want to go.

Can we take a moment and give ourselves over to the things that HAVE US?

Instead of the things that we “think” we should have?

Just a thought!

Love your goals UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Fiercely Protect Your Personal Brand

Fiercely Protect Your Personal BrandA signature “look” – A personal brand

I was watching a special about Dolly Parton over the weekend. That woman is simply phenomenal!

The interviewer was asking Dolly about her signature “look” and her constant glamour.

Dolly replied that she would NEVER set foot outside of her home without being completely turned out. Even to take someone to the emergency room – they’d better be dying!

Dolly’s look is a big part of her personal brand and she fiercely protects it.

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What are YOU known for?

Take stock for a moment. Are you known for being on time? Are you known for great service? Are you known for the quality of your products?

Whatever it is that YOU are known for, I urge you to NEVER let that thing slip. Do whatever it takes to fiercely protect your personal brand. It will set you apart and move you to the top ~ of whatever business or career you are in!

Love your personal brand UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

It’s first quarter, baby!

It's first quarter, baby! You today have 31 days to meet your first quarter goal. Are you confident you will get there? If yes, go read something else,

If you are a “maybe” or completely “not confident” keep reading:


If you are maybe, take the time and map it out. What needs to happen in the next 31 days? How much looks like it’s going to happen? Make sure you have at least 2x Business committed to closing this month. What activity to you need to generate? Put the admin stuff aside…KEEP TALKING TO THE PEOPLE YOU EXPECT TO CLOSE … get people on the “closinig” track. Play to close it ALL – it will allow deals to fall out!

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Not Confident

Call your sales manager FIRST THING tomorrow and let them know you are worried about meeting your first quarter goal and start to brainstorm together (if your sales manager doesn’t LOVE you for this, find a new job). Create a plan and WORK IT.


Go for it! Make sure you are looking at reality and not fantasy.

Love your SUCCESS UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Geez, Oh PEET! What a panic!

What a Panic! I had a GREAT BIG call today with one of the Elephants I am tracking.

We seem to be getting so close, yet we are HEAD-TO-HEAD with a fierce and competent competitor.

It’s all I’ve been able to think about lately.

I’ve been getting ATTACHED. 

I realized this during my workout today. Here I am enjoying a nice peaceful morning on the Elliptical and all I can think about is this PANIC I am having about landing this elephant.


And then, I thought, “What Would the Irreverent Sales Girl Do?”

And, it came to me. She would

1) Relax – all the prep is done, the meeting is prepared, all the right people are attending
2) Realize that I am offering the best solution (I really am)
3) Trust that they are smart and capable of getting what they need and not being bamboozled by me or others
4) Remember to focus not only on the elephant, but also on all the great business that is trying to close
5) Remember that if I do not close this deal, it doesn’t mean I can’t reach my highest goals – it is all working in my favor
5) BREATHE – and enjoy the exercise

I took her advice (*wink*)

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I went into the meeting calm, in control, committed, professional. I let THEM talk.

They said all the right things. They even said “wow” a couple of times. I could hear their heads nodding.

They make their decision on Tuesday

It will be us or it will be them. Either way I am going to CRUSH it this year. Because that is what I am committed to. This deal is one of many.

Love yourself UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Love ’em up!

Love 'em UP!I get comments from time-to-time – people ask me – “What does that even mean? ‘Love ’em up!’?”

Here’s what it means in short.

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As a salesperson, you will do WAY better when you love your support staff, your managers, and your customers UP!

As a spouse, you will do WAY better when you love your spouse, children, in-laws UP!

As a business owner, you will do WAY better to love your peers, your advisors, (and even sometimes your competition) UP!

When you love ’em UP! – you come from your most awesomesauce self. And then, magic starts to happen.

Love ’em UP! = MAGIC for everybody.

That is all.

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The quote to sum it all up for the week – Why do right?

The quote to sum it all up for the week - Why do right?
The quote to sum it all up for the week – Why do right?

“People don’t do right because of the fear of God or love of him. You do right because the world doesn’t make sense if you don’t.”

~ Dorothy Allison, award-winning author

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Take a Stand

Take a StandA few years ago, I lost a friend.

This friend thought that I had done something to them, that I had not done.

No matter how I tried to reach out to heal the gap, they were not responsive.

I realized something at that time. It didn’t matter what they thought or how they acted towards me. EVERY SINGLE time I said something about them to others, it was positive – even though they were publicly nasty about me. EVERY TIME I saw them in passing, I was cordial, polite, and held the love in my heart that I truly have for them.

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Tonight, I ran into this person by accident, in a social situation that neither one of us could avoid. I held my love in my heart for them. And, after awhile, they came over and started talking with me. Asking about things that are important to me.

It seems small, but the healing has clearly begun. My other friend who was with me said, “Wow! I’m sorry you had to run into them. That must have been awful.”

“It was the opposite!”, I responded. “Today was the first step to the healing I have been wanting for years. It has begun!”

I am so grateful that I waited and did not engage in hurtful gossip or shunning or silly games.

When you take a stand for something, the stars MUST align. When you take a stand and stay true to what you want, ignoring everything contrary to your desire, it WILL come around.

It Will!

Love your stand UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Are you more important?

Are you more important?Who do you measure yourself against?

How are you measuring up?

I invite you, for one moment, to take stock of the people who value you as important.

The world “seems” to say that if you are vastly wealthy and famous, that you are more important (I am NOT saying that you shouldn’t be vastly wealthy and famous – you should if you want to be!)

What I am saying is – It is possible that you haven’t taken stock of who you REALLY are. For yourself, for your peeps, for the world.

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There lies GREAT value in the person who likes to sit behind the scenes and listen. The engineer who builds the bridge and never has his name engraved on it – he/she holds great value to all who pass.

YOU are important if you care. Even if you care about the fact that you aren’t doing enough – It is a signal to you that you ARE important (right?)

You are here to carve out your place in the world. You may not realize it, but EVERYONE who sees you let someone in to a traffic jam, who watches you give a dollar to someone who needs it, sees you pick up a piece of litter in a bathroom…IT MATTERS.

If you want to achieve INVALUABLE wealth in this world, keep giving, every chance you get. It is noticed.

And, you will be famous among those who matter. And you will enjoy immeasurable wealth.

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl