Category Archives: Dignity

Bringing a dash of dignity to selling

Dear Irreverent Sales Girl – from “Call Me in Six Months”

I received a question today from a reader (please send me YOUR questions, they will likely be published and you will become famous!)The 3 Simple Ways to Set Yourself Up For A Sale In The Future

Here is what this entrepreneur asked:


“Dear Irreverent Sales Girl,

I have developed a software product that is designed for sole-practitioner-business-coaches. It is so popular that 2-3 times a month I get approached by organizations who really like it but need a more enterprise-wide solution (i.e. teams of coaches).

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I have plans for expanding my product to offer an enterprise version, but it’s still months off and it would be irresponsible to make any solid promises regarding specific timelines. I explain as much during phone calls, and my candor regarding how I don’t have anything to sell them right now is always appreciated.  We always end on a sort of “Great, we’ll be back in touch” or “keep us posted” note.


I can’t help but think I could be doing things a lot better for cultivating a connection for a sale down the road, when I DO have a product ready for them


What can I do to make the best of genuine interest now for an offering I will have later?


~ Call Me in Six Months”

Brilliant Question!


Dear Call Me in Six Months:

First, let me commend you on a few things that you have done very, very right!

* You have created a product that is useful to your marketplace. Kudos!

* You are discovering a new niche (and possibly one with more money to spend!)

* You are telling the TRUTH and gaining credibility

* You are taking the time to develop what will WORK, rather than trying to kluge (yes, that is a word) a product just to sell it now – when you know it will not live up to your standards or theirs.

What is funny is that you gave yourself your own answer – in your sign-off … I will end with that revelation in answer #3. Let’s talk through the 3 simple ways to set yourself up for a sale in the future.

The 3 Simple Ways To Set Yourself Up For A Sale In The Future

#1:  Schedule an hour with the person to do an informational call. You have a crazy advantage here. You have NOTHING to sell , so there will be no pressure. Make sure this is a call that is SEPARATE from the one in which you have gained their trust by telling them you don’t have what they need … right now. If they are serious, they will commit the time.

On this call, get the answers to the following questions:

* What, specifically interests YOU about the software?

* What challenges are you dealing with that you think the software will solve?

* How are you addressing those challenges now?

* What goals do you have currently that you think the software can help you achieve?

* When you see our enterprise solution … and you like it … who else helps decide if you will buy it?

* Are you familiar with how your company buys a product like this and how does that process go?

* What other solutions are you considering right now?

* Do you have budget for this kind of solution, or would it help you to start getting the costs associated with the software, so that you can build it into your budget for the future?

* Schedule a call for six months from now – see #3 below

#2: Set up a reminder for yourself to contact that person once-every-three-weeks. Keep yourself top-of-mind, but not pesty!

The customer will remember that you care. Each contact should be to either:

* Celebrate advances in the development of your enterprise solution

* Ask them how they are doing against the goals you discussed in the first conversation

* Both of the above

#3: Ask them to schedule a call with you for six months from now (see how you answered your own question!). This will accomplish the following:

* It will push you to be ready with an enterprise-wide solution

* It will demonstrate that the customer is truly interested (if they won’t commit to a conversation in the future, they are only vaguely interested)

* It will (in many circumstances) save you from trying to track them down again when you are “ready” (remember, priorities change, but when people put something on the calendar – it makes them think differently about their relationship with you – they are more invested.)

If you are TRULY ambitious…

Create an “Under Construction” newsletter – or some such thing – that you send out to tell people about you, your company, your successes, and what is coming next!

Most of all, of course, keep a database of these marvelous people with detailed notes about your interactions.

SO, “Call Me in Six Months”, I am delighted you asked.

Let’s ask other readers: What do you think “Call Me in Six Months” should do? I can’t wait to hear your answers!

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl



Being Responsible v. Being Successful

I loved this video today via Marie Forleo:

Favorite quote: “Responsible people keep promises to other people, Successful people keep promises to themselves.”


Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love your success UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Watch your language!

Watch your language! I was giving a cold-calling training yesterday and my participant told me that her boss wants her to come up with two scripts….one for talking to a GATEKEEPER and the other for talking to the DECISION MAKER.

Oh, those words he is using! Gatekeeper? Decision Maker? Seriously?

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Let’s talk about Star Wars for a second.

Remember those Storm Troopers – dressed from head to toe in armor and tinted face masks? (If you don’t I’ve included a picture).

Know why they dressed them this way? Well, I might not really know why, but what I’ve HEARD is so that the audience didn’t HUMANIZE them. So, it was OK to kill them. No one would feel a shred of conscience about rooting for the Rebellion to take them all out! Dead!

Watch your language!  Now look.

What does this have to do with my revulsion to the words GATEKEEPER and DECISION MAKER? 

Yup! It takes the HUMAN out of the mix. So, NOW, when you are talking with one of these people, you sound like a GREAT BIG DORK, because the foul language you are using automatically puts you at cross purposes with the HUMAN on the other end of the phone.

See, if you call the person who can connect you to the person you really want to reach, and you call them the gatekeeper….right away you start strategizing ways to get past this nasty person. Kind of like trying to get past the bouncer at a popular club. And, all of your efforts sound disingenuous and HUMANS can smell the stink of  disingenuous from about a mile away!

DECISION MAKER is a little more subtle, but it still conjures up images of a person who is going to pass judgment on high about whether you are going to meet your goals or not. It’s brutal!

So, what language could you use instead? 

Well, for starters, you MIGHT get interested in their name. I’m just sayin’. Then, you might get interested in the role that person plays in the company and why they would even want to talk to you.

If you can’t figure out why they would want to talk to you, then I suggest you don’t pick up the phone in the first place. You will just embarrass everyone in the process (YOU, mostly).

The people who answer the phone are your best friends. They KNOW what the company is up to and they know how to get your call through to the right person … if they care enough to. And, keep in mind, they are interested in doing a good job! They want to do the right thing. Those people have a big fat sniffer for someone who is trying to GET PAST them. Wouldn’t you?

The people who make the decisions are your access to a green light. Right?

So, NOW what do you see? 

All of the people you talk to in your sales process care about something. If you are relating to them as the enemy, they will do their best to keep you out … and out you shall be!

Your job is to leave everyone you speak with feeling that you added value to their day and, even better, feel like a ROCK STAR because they talked to you.

This is where “cold-calling” becomes fun! 

You now are someone that EVERYONE wants to talk to because you care about what makes them successful.

It takes relating to a human being on the other side of the call and making their day.

Now, YOU get to be a DAY-MAKER (instead of a nasty ol’ salesperson) and THEY get to be ROCK STARS!

Think you can do it? 

Love ’em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

You can’t bamboozle your customer! PUH-LEEZE!

You can't BAMBOOZLE your customerI was in a sales training and the sales trainer LAMENTED that times have changed.

It USED to be that the salesperson had the inside scoop

NOW, the buyer can find everything they really need to know on-line.

WAIT! He was LAMENTING this?

Is that really who we’ve become as salespeople? The ones who can sell if our buyer doesn’t have enough information? UGH!

It reminded me of a keynote I heard from the CEO of Seventh Generation. 

He said that his company POSTED a list of the DEFICIENCIES of their products.

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Which, initially, had their salespeople shaking in their boots.

Sure enough, the competitors would come in with the printed list of Seventh Generation’s Self-Admitted deficiencies…..

But, you know what happened? The customer would turn to them and say….”where is YOUR list?”


Your customer is smart and informed. If you can’t deal with it, go sell something that can stand up to scrutiny. You’ll have more fun!

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Hidden Mysteries Week – The Formula for Wealth Part II

Hidden Mysteries Week - via Dan Brown and The Lost SymbolThis week, we are exploring Dan Brown’s hidden formula for wealth (as interpreted by me) in his Best Selling book The Lost Symbol (you can read yesterday’s post to get caught up).

First, we said we would explore the progression we uncovered that says: P→P→P→W

This is the most obvious of the three we will discuss

In simple language, the more productive I am, the more prosperous I am likely to become, which gives me more ability to be philanthropic (or to find ways to contribute). 

When I am productive, which leads to prosperity, I am able to give more away – then I have truly become WEALTHY.

This progression is linear and does not require much thinking. However, it is also intellectual and does not do much to create a NEW paradigm for me.

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It is obvious, but not compelling.

In fact, some COULD argue that this progression is more of an argument for W→P→P→P. If I am already wealthy, it allows me to be more productive, more prosperous, and more philanthropic. So, it really doesn’t do us much good.

The moral of The Lost Symbol story turns out to be that the Ancient Mysteries of Life are hidden in plain view…

…and available in many Universal texts, philosophies, and practices, including Alchemy, Astrology, Kabbalah, Christianity, Buddhism…among many others.

Just as the words of those works can be read at face value – with very little impact on the reader, so can our equation for wealth be read at face value. But, if we look a little deeper (which we will do over the next couple of days) a new paradigm can start to arise.

Do you see it?

I can not wait to hear your thoughts!

Love your hidden secrets UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The seduction technique…an age-old winner!

Are you more attracted to that woman you can’t get, the one who makes it seem like it’s all available The seduction age-old winner! to you, but you’re not sure you’re up to the challenge? Or are you interested in the woman who STALKS you? (Fill in gender as it makes sense for your situation!)

People want what INTRIGUES them!

And they run away from things that chase them.

Find a way to attract your customer!

Very few of us have a product that we are not willing to sell to just anyone who’s willing to buy it. Fair enough. But, I invite you to think a little bit differently.

Where does your product or service become available to only the “exclusive” ones?

I have a very good friend who is a wildly successful representative of a Brand-Name investment group.

When she sells her product like any old investor can come work with her, she grinds it out and doesn’t get many interesting and cool clients.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

When she positions herself as if “Are you the kind of investor we would take? Worthy of our services?” business sky-rockets.

Take a look. How can you make YOUR customers feel like they are in the pool with the “cool kids”? Figuring this out is your ticket to unquestionable wealth.

When you DO get the “cool kids” to sign on, make sure you service the hell out of them and let them know that they are the “in-crowd”. They will be references for you like crazy.

CAVEAT: To do this strategy well, you must be three things:

1) The best at what you do
2) Relentless in delivering an experience once someone has climbed on board
3) Make sure your “cool kids” stay the “cool kids”. Keep reminding them that they are in THAT game!

Ready to seduce? I promise you, it is much more effective than chasing.

(Remember prom?)

Love your “cool kids” UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a LegacyAs I write the book – The Irreverent Sales Girl’s Guide To Wild Success – I find myself a little un-done by how arrogant it is for me to take this on.

After all, I am no Hemingway

I find myself humbled by REAL authors, and want to throw in the towel.

But, then someone reminded me…

The book is not about me, it is not FOR me, it is FOR all the people who have given me so much…invested in me to make me great. It would be a shame not to offer that to the world.

So, if only one person reads the book (me), it will be an honor to give it back.

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And, I invite you to do the same…

What is YOUR legacy? What should you leave behind to share with the world what so many great people have given you and for all the work YOU have done?

We only grow on each other’s shoulders

So, now what do YOU see to go do to leave your legacy? Your mark deserves to be left behind, and we all will profit from your efforts. Perhaps you will, too!

Love your legacy UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

“How to be the best version of you…” SERIOUSLY???

"How to be the best version of yourself" SERIOUSLY???Alright, my lovelies, I must prepare you for a rant.

The title of my blog post tonight was the subject line of an email I got today.


Yes. We all need to invest a bit from time-to-time in ourselves. But, PLEASE…how many people are trying to sell me stuff about being the best version of me? Promises unkept. Time wasted. Money thrown down the tubes.

Please remember who you REALLY are…

You don’t need someone’s “warmed-over-porridge” advice about how to do common sense things to make your life work.

You know if you’re doing the right things. You know when you aren’t. And you also know how to ask, in your darkest hours, for the things you desire. Don’t give them away to posers.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Inside, you know your calling and your purpose

Follow that! Be brave enough to follow that and stop being distracted by thinking others know more than you about how your life is to play out.

I am taking my own advice tonight

I have three things to do this year in my business:

1) Close my quota
2) Write my book
3) Earn my income goal

That is all

I may win, lose, or draw, but I will not be distracted by people trying to tell me how to be the “best version of me”. How would they know?

Did anyone know how to tell Madonna, Michael Jordan, or Lincoln (as examples) how to be the Best Version of Them? I guarantee they would have gotten it wrong.

Go boldly forth …

and be exactly who you know you are called to be.

Love your own path UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

I am going to really annoy some people here…

I am going to annoy some people hereThe more I read about sales “techniques” and “strategies”, the more I want to SCREAM!

Please (to the professional trainers) do NOT diminish my world into:

Acronyms like WHOOSH Selling and FEAR Selling and OUCH Selling (all fictitious)- as if there is a reliable formula.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Please stop preaching. Please tell me your stories. Please start telling me what you’ve experienced. In a way that mirrors the palpable, terrifying, satisfying experience of TRULY being in sales – and gives me insights to be GREAT on my own – with my OWN techniques and ideas.

Please stop acting as if you know it all. You don’t.

Please be a humble resource to me.

Love it all UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Writing the Manifesto

Writing the ManifestoHello my lovelies,

I am delighted to announce, that after three years of blogging, I am FINALLY writing my Manifesto (not the perfume shown here). I have named it:

The Irreverent Sales Girls Guide To Wild Success

I am thrilled to be doing this and it is flowing like water today.

Jeanine Wicker has dibs on the FIRST copy of the book. The first nine people who post “ME” on this article will get free copies, too, when it is complete! (Be patient).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

What is this book I speak of? 

The book is, well, Irreverent. It is designed to break up all of the myths that hold me back and to STOP WASTING MY TIME. It might just do the same for you. It is short and fun and Irreverent (we said that already).

A sneak peek

Here is the Introduction:

“I hate introductions. I just want to get into it. Yet, I see the value for setting the context.

Here is the book that I wish someone had written for me.

I hope you love it.

The Irreverent Sales Girl”

Who wants in? 

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl