Category Archives: Loving Life

Collecting “no’s” is a fantastic strategy

Hypothesis: If you are getting a LOT of “no’s” – you aren’t asking for enough from life!

Doesn’t matter what business you’re in – even if you’re not in business. Ever notice how kids keep asking and asking and asking. Never minding that they’re collecting “no’s”, they’re simply going for the “yes”. The magical “yes”.

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I’ve heard that you can’t collect 20 “no’s” in a row for a request that is even remotely possible.

I dare you to try this today. What is something you want? Now, go ask for that thing 20 times from people who could give it to you. You could do 20 asks from the same person! (That could be interesting). Or ask 20 people.

If you take the dare, please share your results! Did you get 20?

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When life takes an unexpected left turn…

And it sometimes does.

Life is just life-ing along and then BAM! the unexpected news you never expected to hear and it changes everything!

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How do you keep your head about you and keep everything moving boldly in the direction of your dreams?

First, I would say…take some time to hunker down with the ones you love. Let it all in.

When you are ready, re-convene and keep going for it!

My favorite coach used to say, “Remember, EVERYTHING is working in YOUR favor!” Ha! It really always does!

Love it all UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Wisdom from my father…Eight Thoughts to Ponder

OK…EVERYONE has a father…even The Irreverent Sales Girl. I got lucky!  Mine happens to be brilliant and funny. Here’s an email he sent to me today. Enjoy!

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Eight Thoughts To Ponder

Number 8
Life is sexually transmitted.

Number 7
Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Number 6
Men have two emotions : Hungry and Horny. If you see a gleam in his         eyes, make him a sandwich.

Number 5
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.

Number 4
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospitals, dying of nothing.

Number 3
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

Number 2
In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

And The Number 1 Thought
Life is like a jar of Jalapeno peppers –what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.

– – – and as someone recently said to me:

“Don’t worry about old age–it doesn’t last that long.”

A little crude in parts? Certainly, but worth the think anyway!

Love your life up NOW!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If you want to be bold…

Remember who you REALLY are…what you came here to accomplish!

Please think about your life this way. What do you want to leave behind?

It may seem morbid, but it’s not!

Go forth as if you could not possibly lose!

Take risks!

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Get what you get … and then go from there.


I’m just sayin’


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Pay yourself first…as applied to scheduling

I have a practice to ensure my long-term wealth: I always pay myself first (meaning, every time I get paid, I always put money into MY savings account first).

And then I realized…I’ve been resisting scheduling my week. Here’s why…I always schedule what I “should” be doing. And it fills everyting up. And then, I don’t do it and I feel like I can’t keep up.

Now, many of you are much better than this – way more driven – so this only “might” apply to you! Or, if you’re RICH, you probably already do this…

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So, this week, I “paid myself first”. I put into my calendar my next vacation and I scheduled my workouts and time “off” FIRST.

Then, I built the actions that I need to take to move my games forward into the calendar.

I don’t HAVE to burn out…and it all fits!

Are you willing to schedule your life out? And to schedule time for you FIRST?

I promise you that WILDLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are not run by their to-do list.


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Hot dog breath

OK. I don’t particularly like this expression. Ewwww!

But, it’s a powerful concept.

One of the most effective managers I’ve ever met used to bring her team in on the first day back from a holiday weekend (much like we’ve just had) and she would have the “hot dog breath” conversation. (You’ve all been at hot dog parties all weekend).

Here’s how it went: The first hour of the day, she would have the entire team talk about what they had done over the weekend. Clear it all out. Then, they would talk about what they were going to accomplish that week and THAT day in particular. They would formulate their plan.

Then they would GET TO WORK and produce results right away!

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How much of a difference an hour of planning can make! Jack Canfield asserts that one hour of planning is the equivalent of seven hours of work.

So, tomorrow, if you don’t have an amazing manager like the one I mentioned, take some time for yourself to acknowledge your “hot dog breath”, the fun you had while you were off, then create your intentions and your plan for the week and for your day.

Love your work UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When you’re down and weary….

When you’re down and weary

And you have no place to go.. just remember, remember..

Knock it off!

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If you are not on your game, call someone who will remind you of who you are and what you are doing.

Call your friend…

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

You’re NOT sorry!

Dangerously close to losing an important account, I received a call from a business owner that I know. He was very worried that he and his client had a mis-communication and that he was now going to lose the account AND not get paid for the work his company had already performed.

I admired the way my friend was willing to take responsibility for the breakdown in communication, but something was amiss. As I listened, I heard something beyond taking responsibility and it was moving him into desperation. He was saying that he was SORRY for the disconnect with his client. And he was BEING sorry.

When we got that pointed out, he went on to have a stellar meeting with his client, a powerful conversation – as if the disconnect had never happened and his client gave him more work!

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Look, you may be in the wrong about something. I urge you to apologize and make it right. But, don’t be sorry. You aren’t a sorry person. Unless you say so. Work to take this out of your vocabulary.

(Hint: Use “I apologize” and remove “I’m sorry”)

Be straight about what’s so with your peeps! Work to get disconnects resolved. Be clear that you are amazing – and you will be amazing!

Love yourself UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The quote of the day – In loving memory of Nora Ephron

“Whatever you choose, however many roads you travel, I hope that you choose not to be a lady. I hope you will find some way to break the rules and make a little trouble out there. And I will also hope that you will choose to make some of that trouble on behalf of women.” – Nora Ephron

RIP, Nora.

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The Irreverent Sales Girl

You want the answer? Here’s the answer….

We are all searching for THE ANSWER.

Consider, there is NO answer…

Keep trying new things…take new classes…spend the money…

You WILL find YOUR answer…and then it will go away – and leave you with a NEW QUESTION!

There is not a RIGHT way to do your life. Haven’t you learned that yet?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


Do you have the guts? We’ll see!

Love your LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl