Category Archives: Performance

How to perform – reliably

Did I not ask for enough?


I have the most amazing people in my life (you). No, really YOU, the one reading this. The one sitting in your chair!

I want things. I want success. I want connections. I want love.

Today, I learned something.

I consider myself to be a busy person. (HA! Go read the rant by Redhead Writing about this: (

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At any rate, today a very good friend asked me to help out a new up-and-comer. In the face of being so “busy’, I spent a good portion of my night connecting this person (who I’ve never even met) with some of my most important peeps. It may come to nothing. Yet, it was worth the shot!

I realized…I WANT TO DO STUFF for people. I want to make a difference.

And then I realized…WOW! I really need help getting to where I want to be…and people keep saying..WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? I WILL HELP YOU!

Get the paradox here? I want to help, but I don’t know how to ask for it!

I am limited by my inability to ask for help.

Game on!

I challenge you (and me) to embarrass yourself asking for the help you want.

Even the BIBLE says “Ask and you shall receive”. Do I listen? NO!

Maybe at the heart of us, each of us knows that we only matter if we made a difference for someone else.

So, allow people to make a difference with me. That’s what I will do.

And you?

What do you REALLY want? Are you willing to ask for help?

Love your doubts UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

How do you engage someone in ways they never imagined?

I was attending a conference session headed up by a very interesting organization called Care2 (Make a Difference) at I do NOT condone every one of their messages, but they solidified something for me.

Care2 postulates that if you have a business that satisfies 6 Basic Human Needs, you have got a winner!

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I was thrilled. First, I already work to incorporate all of them – AND it gave me ideas for getting even better. I am thinking about painting these 6 key words on my office wall to remind me (and all those who work with me) to fulfill these needs in every interaction. Ready? Here they are:

1) Significance: Day-In-and-Day-Out, I make sure that EVERY person who interacts with me is acknowledged publicly. Think I can’t keep it up? TRY ME!

2) Connection: People have a deep desire to feel connected – to a person, a brand, a company, a vision. I work HARD to provide pathways to this. I will never stop!

3) Contribution: People are DYING to make a difference. I am so grateful that YOU make a difference with me. It is my goal to demonstrate publicly the difference you make and the contribution you are to my life, to others’ lives, and to all of your communities.

4) Certainty: People want to know what to expect when they listen to my messages.I believe they expect Dignity, Irreverence, Inspiration, and something that reminds them of who they are. I work very hard on this quality. The Irreverent Sales Girl does not swear and rarely disparages – UNLESS you are so totally off base that disparging you is the only avenue I can see (*grin*).

5) Variety: The yin to the yang of Certainty. (Or is it the other way around?) In any case, people want to be Surprised and Delighted. They like a twist. They want something a little unexpected. This is why I stay FAR away from “warmed over porridge” otherwise known as sappy platitudes. There is plenty of that everywhere else.

6) Growth: People want an opportunity to grow. Everything I offer is designed for exactly that. So that I can grow and hopefully offer something that inspires you to grow, too! If we do not all grow together, I’ll likely get left behind! No GOOD!

Feel free to steal these tenets if you’d like. I stole them after all! I think they are amazing!

Let’s go forth and give people what they want!

Love your work UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Ask and You Shall Receive … A lovely guest post from Kira Geairn

I just started my first retail job and went into it thinking it was going to be a breeze. How hard could selling shoes possibly be? Turns out, harder than I thought. My first real day (i.e. after my training day) I had a goal of selling $600. After five hours I hadn’t even come close! I finished the day with under $200 in sales.

Pretty pathetic, huh?

The second day I went in with pretty low expectations but decided that I was going to try opening up more. I started approaching people more often and asking other employees or my managers when I needed help. I even gave a client to someone else because I was too busy helping other people.

I ended up selling $615 when my goal was only $400.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The biggest differences? Asking for help. Trying to be independent or self-sufficient will only go so far.

It’s a lesson I’ve been learning this year all over the place and one that I’ve been fighting pretty hard. But the adage “Ask and you shall receive” is rapidly becoming my mantra. Good things will only come to those who ASK for them!

So whether you’re a CEO or a shoe salesman, SUCCESS is only available to those who ask.

From ISG: Great work, Kira.

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Practice Honesty

Mark Twain said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”.

UNITED STATES – CIRCA 1900: Mark Twain (Photo by Buyenlarge/Getty Images)

This is easily gotten, but not easily practiced.

Today, I told the truth to a business partner about something I had said about him, behind his back. It was a funny throw-away line, BUT… It wasn’t pretty. I am not even sure why I “needed” to say it.

Here’s what is REALLY interesting! It is unlikely he would have ever known that I had said it.

But, I care about my business, so I told him.(I was shaking in my boots when I did.)  Know what he did? He LAUGHED!!!!

What I learned? I still act as if I am 15-years-old some days. AND, people are GENEROUS. What’s funny is…HE apologized to ME that I’d sweated it out for two days to tell him.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:


Even if it seems scary!

Love your honesty UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Collecting “no’s” is a fantastic strategy

Hypothesis: If you are getting a LOT of “no’s” – you aren’t asking for enough from life!

Doesn’t matter what business you’re in – even if you’re not in business. Ever notice how kids keep asking and asking and asking. Never minding that they’re collecting “no’s”, they’re simply going for the “yes”. The magical “yes”.

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I’ve heard that you can’t collect 20 “no’s” in a row for a request that is even remotely possible.

I dare you to try this today. What is something you want? Now, go ask for that thing 20 times from people who could give it to you. You could do 20 asks from the same person! (That could be interesting). Or ask 20 people.

If you take the dare, please share your results! Did you get 20?

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When life takes an unexpected left turn…

And it sometimes does.

Life is just life-ing along and then BAM! the unexpected news you never expected to hear and it changes everything!

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How do you keep your head about you and keep everything moving boldly in the direction of your dreams?

First, I would say…take some time to hunker down with the ones you love. Let it all in.

When you are ready, re-convene and keep going for it!

My favorite coach used to say, “Remember, EVERYTHING is working in YOUR favor!” Ha! It really always does!

Love it all UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

If you want to be bold…

Remember who you REALLY are…what you came here to accomplish!

Please think about your life this way. What do you want to leave behind?

It may seem morbid, but it’s not!

Go forth as if you could not possibly lose!

Take risks!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Get what you get … and then go from there.


I’m just sayin’


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Pay yourself first…as applied to scheduling

I have a practice to ensure my long-term wealth: I always pay myself first (meaning, every time I get paid, I always put money into MY savings account first).

And then I realized…I’ve been resisting scheduling my week. Here’s why…I always schedule what I “should” be doing. And it fills everyting up. And then, I don’t do it and I feel like I can’t keep up.

Now, many of you are much better than this – way more driven – so this only “might” apply to you! Or, if you’re RICH, you probably already do this…

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So, this week, I “paid myself first”. I put into my calendar my next vacation and I scheduled my workouts and time “off” FIRST.

Then, I built the actions that I need to take to move my games forward into the calendar.

I don’t HAVE to burn out…and it all fits!

Are you willing to schedule your life out? And to schedule time for you FIRST?

I promise you that WILDLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE are not run by their to-do list.


The Irreverent Sales Girl

Hot dog breath

OK. I don’t particularly like this expression. Ewwww!

But, it’s a powerful concept.

One of the most effective managers I’ve ever met used to bring her team in on the first day back from a holiday weekend (much like we’ve just had) and she would have the “hot dog breath” conversation. (You’ve all been at hot dog parties all weekend).

Here’s how it went: The first hour of the day, she would have the entire team talk about what they had done over the weekend. Clear it all out. Then, they would talk about what they were going to accomplish that week and THAT day in particular. They would formulate their plan.

Then they would GET TO WORK and produce results right away!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

How much of a difference an hour of planning can make! Jack Canfield asserts that one hour of planning is the equivalent of seven hours of work.

So, tomorrow, if you don’t have an amazing manager like the one I mentioned, take some time for yourself to acknowledge your “hot dog breath”, the fun you had while you were off, then create your intentions and your plan for the week and for your day.

Love your work UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Release your inner engineer!

I was reading a discussion on LinkedIn today about sales engineers; that supposedly magical mix of technical expertise and sales acumen. The woman posting asserted that “the two personalities are on opposite sides of the spectrum”…and I thought to myself, “Really?” I wonder what she means…

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

After all,

Great engineers figure out processes, fix things, and incorporate innovative products/services into existing systems to create efficiencies. They make things work.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know when something won’t work NOW or ever at all and they don’t pretend that it will.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know how to ask straight questions, get to the heart of the problem, and give straight answers.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know when a workaround can really work — and they bring creativity to the situation — solving the problem.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers listen first and get ALL the relevant facts before they propose a solution.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know when something else will work better and are willing to share that information freely.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers know their product inside and out and understand where it fits in the marketplace.

So do great salespeople.

Great engineers ask, “How can we?”

So do great salespeople.

You get the idea!

So, if I were a sales engineer and I was asked the tough question, “Am I more engineer or sales?” I would say “both”.

As long as I know how to listen for the problem, determine if we have a solution, and propose the right mix of products/services to either meet or exceed the client’s goals, then I can be your top engineer and salesperson every time.

Love the engineer in you UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl