When they don’t respond!

Sometimes you will reach out to people and they will not respond.

I want you to remember three things:

1) Every now and then, you will not connect with people where they are now. They WANT to get back to you, but you are not front-burner. Keep connecting. Unabashedly. It takes 7 contacts to get a response. Don’t stop at the first.

2) It normally takes 7 – 10 meaningful touches to connect with your person. Don’t give up after the first touch.

3) People are busy and want messages that will help them deal with what THEY are dealing with today. You will never be able to predict what they are dealing with today, so rely on the 7-10 touch rule.

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OOOPS! I promised THREE THINGS, but they all boil down to one thing. 7 – 10 touches is the key!

Keep playing – especially if YOU are convinced you have a good solution.

Those who ONLY play the “low-hanging fruit” are destined for a life of desperation.

Play the BIG game.

Love ’em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales GirlWhen they don't respond

From an Irreverent Mixologist

From the Traveling Elixir Fixer, a brilliant quote: From an Irreverent Bar Tender

“I don’t care what you believe, just behave yourself!”

(via And yes, you should become her fan! https://www.facebook.com/TravelingElixirFixer)

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

Love ’em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Let’s revisit this “Know, Like & Trust” thing, shall we?

I hear ALL THE TIME…”People do business with people they Know, Like & Trust” from sales trainers and sales experts.Common Sense

Here’s what I wanna know…


People go to prom with people they know, like & trust.
People travel great distances at great expense to visit people they know, like & trust.
People like to give gifts to people they know, like & trust.
Let’s face it, people like to hang out with DOGS they know, like & trust.

It’s pretty common sense, isn’t it?


Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

If it is some kind of revelation to you that people do business with people they know, like & trust, WHERE ELSE are you not bringing common sense to your sales?

Things like:

People do business with people who deliver excellent service
People do business with people who have a sterling reputation
People do business with people they hold on a pedastal
People do business with people who do what they say they are going to do
People do business with people who have similar values
People do business with people who ….. I mean, we could keep going here, couldn’t we?


If learning that “People do Business with People they Know, Like & Trust” is a revelation to you, then what is going on with your sales? 

Do you not believe in what you sell?
Do you not believe that your customer needs what you sell?
Are your goals different from that of your customer?
Are you trying to meet quotas instead of make a difference with people?

And here is my favorite…


This week, I want you to bring common sense to your business. (Sorry, this will require actual THINKING)

Are you doing the work that you know you should do to connect with the people who need what you sell?

If yes (and be honest with yourself about that one),

Who are the people that “should” be doing business with you?
Do they know about you?
Do they agree that they need something that you offer?

Reach out to THEM. Be clear, simple, concise. Offer them something yummy!

Go be a great human being. Period. THEN, see what shows up!

Love ’em UP! (And the rest will follow)

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Who’s driving the train, anyway?

Just because you are not the one talking, does not mean you are not guiding the sale!

In fact, it is USUALLY just the OPPOSITE! Guiding the Sale - Who's Driving the Train?

Today a magical and truly wonderful thing happened!

I was in a meeting with an SVP of a Fortune 100 company…and MAN was HE talking. He was so enthusiastic about his company… he was so proud of the work they were doing an new opportunities on the horizon. He loves the brand. He told me everything from the way the founders started out in the Depression…all the way up to the new (and – shall we say – controversial?) CEO they have.

He talked. And he talked. And he talked.


Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

I listened to every word as if it were gold — which it turns out — every word was.

When he finally got around to asking me details about what I do and what my company offers, I had everything I needed to know to tell him how we could help. And he had said everything he needed to say, so there wasn’t anything in the background distracting him.

I told (short) stories back about how are companies’ philosophies and directions were aligned.


Know what he said next?

“Send me the contract. We need to get this going right away.”

Guess what I did! I STOPPED SELLING!

I said, “GREAT! Will you be signing it?”

– yes –

Then, I thanked him for his business. Asked him if there was anything else he needed. Said our pleasantries and ske-daddled.

He did the talking. I drove the train. I won the business.  FUN!

Love the talkers UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Solve THIS dilemma for me, won’t you?

This is just SO BAD! Solve THIS dilemma for me, won't you?

What would you have done?

So, I’m traveling on business last week visiting clients and prospects. On the road!

I SCORED a 25-minute meeting with a SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT of a Fortune 50 company – from a COLD CALL. A big deal!

Here’s the rub!

The day before the meeting, his assistant emails and tells me that their offices have recently moved and they are now located 20 minutes away from the meeting I have right before this opportunity. (They used to be two blocks away). I CANNOT reschedule the meeting I have before this one. It is a critical event.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

No problem! I get into action!

I set the address in my GPS ahead of time. No fumbling in the car on my way out. Set. Done!

I keep my parking ticket in the front of my purse with the credit card right next to it – ready to pay and get out of there quickly!

I gas up the car.

I tell the client I am meeting right before my BIG OPPORTUNITY  (already a good friend) that I have to cut out of our meeting a 1/2 hour early to give myself a good hour to get 20 minutes down the road. They’re fine with that.

I have an hour to go 20 minutes and be relaxed, confident, and prepared for this BIG DEAL meeting.

And then, the MAYHEM happens.

The parking machine doesn’t work – so I can’t pay to get out of the garage. But, it doesn’t TELL me it is out of order. It just keeps acting like I’m doing it wrong. Finally, I give up and run to the car.

There is a LIVE parking attendant at the gate! YAY!

But, he can’t take my money for the ticket. I have to fill out a form.

Even though I tell this lovely parking attendant that I am in a terrible hurry, he must check the form and then enter a bunch of information into the computer before he will let go the gate. HE is not in a hurry, just me!

I’m still fine. Still time.


Huge traffic snarl – with cops called out to direct traffic.

It is now 25 minutes until my meeting and I am STUCK! Solidly stuck in traffic that is NOT moving!

There is NO WAY I am getting to my BIG DEAL MEETING on time – and the meeting was ONLY for 25 minutes anyway.

(Remembering that hindsight is 20/20 and I could have done better setting myself up….)


I really want to hear. And, then I’ll share with you what I did.

Love it ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

For those of you who bring LOVE to your sales!

Sales is one of the toughest gigs on the planet. For those of you who bring LOVE to your sales!

What it takes to be really great is LOVE!

Love for your company
Love for your product
Love for your customers
Love for your prospects
Love for your family
Love for your financial well-being
Love for the game

But Loving all these things leaves you WIDE OPEN for heartbreak! 

So, today, for all of you courageous beings who go about their sales with LOVE, I give you this wonderful reminder.

“The heart was made to be broken.” Oscar Wilde

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

It is part of the design of a heart. It is made to be broken and it has the tools to heal. I salute you for your willingness to use your heart to its fullest!

Your success is ensured when you remain willing to put it all on the line, every time!

And, if you ever forget and get really discouraged…come back and see me. We’ll get you fixed up in NO TIME!

Love it ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

When the “I’s” DON’T have it!

When the "I's" DON'T have it! Wanna send a powerful email? As a follow up? Or as a  first-contact? Or an initial call?

Leave the “I’s” aside! 

We often want to send messages (or phone messages) that start with “I” or “MY”


I enjoyed our time together”

I thought of something interesting after we met…”

I wanted to thank you!”

My experience shows that…”


Your emails that start with “I” or “My” are not ENGAGING to your customer who cares about…wait for it….THEM! HA!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

So, let’s design communications that deal with THEM (which is who they care about). 


YOUR insights today were compelling…let’s set aside time so I can learn more about them”

YOU have clearly thought your options through, and I want to learn more”.

YOUR time is valuable and I am grateful for the time we spent together. YOUR insights on our next steps are appreciated! What’s next?”

Look at all of your emails and phone messages. Eliminate as many sentences that you can that begin with “I”. (This includes “It” and “If”. )

“I’s” turn people OFF.

Engage THEM!

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Dear Irreverent Sales Girl – Ready to GET STARTED!

Dear Irreverent Sales Girl - Ready to GET STARTED! I got this question today from someone just finishing their insurance exams – ready to rock the world! While *some* of it applies to Insurance, specifically, most of it is spot on for ANYONE who wants to be a great salesperson in any industry.

Thanks for the questions! Keep ’em coming! I will make YOU famous, next!

“Dear Irreverent Sales Girl,

I am just finishing up my insurance exams and I am READY TO GET GOING! Just wanted to learn what you know about selling insurance and getting going quickly!

– Ready to GET STARTED!”

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

Dear Ready to GET STARTED!

Congratulations on finishing your exams!

Here are my thoughts on being successful in the Insurance Industry (and most others, too, BTW!)

First: Seek to understand
Second: Recreate what your customer told you so you make sure you have it right
Then: Ask permission to share your ideas.

WARNING: Insurance is powerful. You can certainly help people with it, but you can also seriously HURT people.

If you learn your products all-the-way-through and sell them to people who TRULY benefit, you will be blessed.

(HINT: You will be taught a lot of ways to sell the wrong products for people’s needs. Be careful of this. FIRST look to see where the product is a BAD answer and find the place where the model breaks down – THEN determine if it does work. This requires using your brain, which I imagine you have, since you asked the question!)

I also know that the going can be VERY tough at the beginning.

Network well with estate planning attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors. Show THEM that you know how to use products in their clients’ best interests. Nurture these relationships and refer people to them as often as you can. Look for opportunities to refer people to them. Eventually, ask them what it would take for them to refer to you.

As you build your clientele, focus on designing systems to keep in touch with your clients often. Over-communicate. Check in to make sure that their insurance portfolio is serving their current (and changing) needs. Even if you simply send a mailing once a month with one of your favorite inspirational quotes or pictures, you will be touching their lives with your personal signature brand.

FUN FACT:  82% of insurance salespeople with the top companies quit.

It takes something amazing to be one of the top 18% (earning on average $65,000/year) and something EXTRAORDINARY to be the top 5%, which is where the real wealth happens.

FINALLY, (and it should probably be first). Always be on time. Always send a hand-written thank you note. No one can beat you if you keep this at the heart and soul of what you do.

Insurance can be a beautiful career, because clients who stay with you will pay their premiums over-and-over and your influence and resources will grow. Take care to build a solid foundation and the rest will take care of itself over time.

AVOID ROOKIE MISTAKE NUMBER FIVE…Never spend your commissions until your client is outside of their right-to-rescind period (30 days?). If they rescind, you owe the money back!

Love it UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Was this helpful?

Do YOU have advice for “Ready to GET STARTED!”?

Swing and a Miss! My EPIC FAIL!

Swing and a Miss! My EPIC FAILSometimes even the best salespeople completely WHIFF an opportunity.

This happened to me yesterday. While it is SO embarrassing, I just have to share it with you. Perhaps I will save you from your own EPIC FAIL!

Also known as: How to Violate 10 Sales Principles in Less Than 30 Minutes.

Here’s the story:

I had a call set up with a company I have wanted to close for about a decade now. They are AWESOME and would be a huge feather in our cap. My manager really wants this deal.

The President of this company had reached out to me to set up the call with her trusted employee, Amanda.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

So, YAY! I have the opportunity.

BONUS: I did not DROOL on myself, so THAT was a victory (about the only one.)


When we get ATTACHED to a sale, we do some wonky stuff. In my case, I did some really weird things. First, I got myself really worked up and nervous about the conversation.


“What?”, you say? “Isn’t preparation a great thing?”  Well, it IS when you come from the context of caring about what they are dealing with. But, sometimes two things will happen when you over-prepare.

First, you may get  intimidated by the person you are speaking with. Their background and the way they show up on LinkedIn and Google may freak you out. That happened to me on this call. (Of course, this is ridiculous – I speak with CEO’s, Executive Directors, and BIG DEALS all the time – something just got me on my back foot. Hmmmm….)

Second, you may make assumptions about what the person wants or needs based on what you have read on their website. I did this exact thing. I really did not know what  Amanda wanted to talk about or why we were having the conversation.

THIRD VIOLATED PRINCIPLE: I assumed I knew what they needed and what they were dealing with. 

So, I went into the conversation making comments rather than REALLY getting into Amanda’s world and asking tons of questions.


SHE had set up the meeting with a dial-in number and Webex. She was 7 minutes late. So, I called Amanda at her desk to see if we were still on. She said “Yes, why don’t you just call my land line and we’ll talk”. So, I did and now I was worried if we would have enough time to cover everything.

“What?”, you think. “What’s the problem with that?” Well, this one is very subtle. By tracking HER down, I lost two things.

First, I lost the opportunity for Amanda to get in touch with me to right the ship. (Remember that RECIPROCATION is a powerful thing – when they OWE you because they messed up, you gain power in the conversation). She DID apologize and was gracious, but I had lost that magic moment.

The thing to do was wait 10 minutes, hang up, email Amanda and apologize if I may have messed up the time. THEN, SHE has to call me or email me and I can suggest that we re-schedule for a time that works better for her OR we can acknowledge that time is now short. And, I get to be GREAT with her.

Second, I lost my ability to participate as an equal in the conversation. By tracking Amanda down, I communicated to both of us that her time was more important than mine. I was on my back foot.

FIFTH VIOLATED PRINCIPLE: I violated my own emotional space.

(And this one is just TOO embarrassing, but I am going to give it ALL to you – even when I would rather not)

As we were getting re-related, I shared with Amanda that I was actually NERVOUS to be on the call with her because of how great and accomplished she is. (CAN YOU IMAGINE?) Yes, on one hand it looks like “being authentic”, but ONCE again, I communicated to both of us that she is more important than I am.

SIXTH VIOLATED PRINCIPLE: I did not seek to understand before trying to get HER to understand what I had to say. 

To kick off the call, Amanda mentioned that the contract with her current vendor was coming due and that she might be looking to make a change. Even though she knew a lot about my company already, Amanda admitted that she was sure that our services must have evolved since she last took a look. She asked me how we had evolved and how it might make a difference for her now.

Oooh, this is golden, but I massively WHIFFED here. I shared a couple of things that were new and exciting about the ways that we were helping other companies. Both TOP things I shared, she had no need for. So, the conversation was basically dead and Amanda now has mentally checked us off as not relevant.


What I COULD have done INSTEAD was say, “Well, there are TONS of new and exciting things, but I would really have to understand a lot more about why you are thinking of making a change and what is important to you. Do you have time to lay those things out for me and then, if we both feel it makes sense, I can tailor a demonstration to our conversation and we can get on another WebEx and I can show you around?” Then be quiet.

Nope. Didn’t do that.

SEVENTH VIOLATED PRINCIPLE: Make the same mistake twice in a row.

Amanda went on to say that while we might not be able to help with the first project, she and her President also thought that we might be able to help with another project they were working on.

AGAIN! I assumed what she needed and I launched into “selling” the way we help companies do similar things and I laid out some examples. Her new program did NOT have similar needs (because AGAIN I hadn’t asked her to be more specific – I ASSUMED based on my research, what they would want).

AGAIN, she marked me off as irrelevant for this project, too.


It continues to get more embarrassing. We were nearing the end of the conversation and I made one last assertion. “Well, I DO think, based on the things you have shared with me that it would be valuable for us to get on an online demonstration to further explore”.

That one landed like a BIG LEAD BALLOON. “Yeah”, she said. “Maybe.” “Let’s stay in touch because there may really be a way for us to work together, I just don’t see it now.”


It seems that I have virtually NO way to recover now. I will have to come up with some ways to seduce Amanda into learning more or giving me a chance to learn more if I want to keep this conversation alive. Right now, I am mostly just licking my wounds, but TOMORROW, I will call my mentor and get some good ideas. That is always a winning move.

NINTH NOT-VIOLATED PRINCIPLE: Always seek the wisdom of others when you get stuck! 

I will let you know what we come up with and what actions I take now. There are TWO qualified opportunities here and I will have to learn and grow myself to put myself in a position to try again! I would love your insights, too. Please comment!


Even though I am mortified, I will not let myself NOT learn the lessons here AND Amanda and I are not both convinced that there is not a way for us to work together. We will graciously follow it all-the-way through.

Even though I would rather crawl under a rock and just let this one go.

So, there it is!


Today, I saw this quote on Facebook from Michael Jordan. It made me realize that, even though I massively WHIFFED on this call, I can be satisfied that I keep giving it my all and failures are a part of my success. I hope you enjoy it, too!

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan

Love your WHIFFS UP! (And give me YOUR ideas about how to salvage the situation).

The Irreverent Sales Girl

What to do when you get kicked “down” the chain

What to do when you get kicked down the chainToday I had a meeting lined up with the head of the department who buys what I sell.

20 minutes before our meeting, she sent an email saying that she can’t make the meeting, but her employee (who she said is COMPLETLY involved with their programs) would be there instead.

Know how I responded?

I emailed back (cc: all)  “PERFECT! I am delighted to meet with Samantha…she is just the right person to take a look.”

(HINT: Always leave people knowing that everything is NO PROBLEM and JUST RIGHT – even though you may feel disappointed).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook: http://ebook.solidsixblueprint.com/solid-six-ebook/

Actually, NOW, I had a HUGE advantage

I was talking with the person who USES my competitor’s product on a day-to-day basis. SHE is more familiar with the PAIN than anyone else in the company. I can develop this person to be a real fly-in-the-ointment of her managers if she wants to switch to our products.

BUT, Beware!

I didn’t assume a single thing about the sale. I started from scratch.

First, I laid out for Samantha why her manager had wanted to meet with me and why her manager had put it on the calendar.

THEN, I turned the focus completely to her. I asked Samantha what HER expectation of the meeting was. I asked her what, if anything, she knew about my company. I asked her what she did and what her role was (don’t pretend that your search on LinkedIn or her title tells you a single bit – ask THEM.)

And of course, the MAGIC questions:

“What would be the best use of YOUR time on this call? What do YOU want to see?”

The world opened up!

Samantha told me EVERYTHING she was dealing with as the end-user of our competitor’s product and EXACTLY what she wanted from our time. It was delicious. And, she felt important. Because she is.

The meeting went EXCEPTIONALLY well. Because Samantha felt like it was a big deal that I’d gotten kicked down the chain, she gave me everything I wanted to know about her company’s pain points.

She left the call EXCITED and wanting to hear more.

Now, what I’ll do…

I will now call Samantha’s boss and tell her how great is was that she put me in touch with the perfect resource. I will summarize our call and WE ARE FURTHER ALONG than we would have been, otherwise.

Never forget the power of RECIPROCATION

Samantha’s boss turned the tables on me. And I was GREAT with her. And, I was GREAT with her trusted-employee. Now, she owes ME graciousness. It works like a charm.

Believe me, I am 10 times more likely to close this deal than I was when I woke up this morning.

I NOW  have an internal advocate, a decision-maker who “owes” me and more information about what they are REALLY dealing with than I would have EVER gotten in the meeting I thought we were going to have.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Your job is to always be great with everyone and everything. The rest will sort itself out!

Pretty easy, right?

Love ’em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Bringing a Dash of Dignity to the Art of Selling