Relying on ME!

My New Year’s Resolution for 2013:

For an ENTIRE QUARTER, I will NOT hire any coaches. I will not pay for a seminar. I will not  purchase a “how-to” guide.


As many of you know, I am a FIRM believer in coaching and education. I spend 10% of my income on educational materials. Some resources I buy are to learn more about business, some are specific to sales, some are personal development.

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I know I have grown as a person and a professional because of my willingness to invest! Yet, sometimes I’m left wondering…maybe I rely too much on others’ advice and I don’t spend the time to research for myself, or dig deep and do the thinking, or (most of all)…


So, this quarter. I’m giving myself the chance to shine. To show what I’ve got. To bring ME to the table. See what I’ve got. Find things on my own. Do my own reading, my own researching, using my FREE resources.

I’ll bet my future investments pay off even more after

Relying on ME!
Relying on ME!

this hiatus because I will have a new-found confidence in my ability to create the advice I need from listening to my heart.


Do you rely on the advice of others too heavily? Do you use resources to build your effectiveness OR to prop up your insecurities? Is it time to take a break? Is it time to invest more? Only you can ever really know.

Love your SELF UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Into every great life – a little vacation must fall

Thank you, all, for making 2012 the most incredible year yet.

Most of all, I am grateful for the people that took time to meet me, speak with me, and educate me. There are SO many – and my life is enriched beyond measure.

I am now going OFF THE GRID until January 2.

Enjoy your holidays. Get some love in, maybe some rest. BE with your loved ones. Play board games. Refresh. Read a book that has actual pages. Touch your life.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Back to the magic of technology in 2013.

Love your life UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Wearing my watch upside-down…an inspiration!

Wearing my watch upside-down
Wearing my watch upside-down

I put on my watch today. Upside down. By accident.

Then I thought, Hmmmmm…what if I wear my watch upside down ALL YEAR LONG to remind me that my work, even my life, is NOT ABOUT ME? It’s about OTHERS getting the information they need and want.

What if I approached all of 2013 about what I can do to make OTHERS lives ROCK? 

I think I’ll give it a shot. I will let my watch face YOU so that YOU can see the time.

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What a great reminder.

Love your TICK TOCK UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

My Incredible Theme for 2013

Incredible 2013

An Incredible 2013

The amazing Rochelle Moulton ( turned me on to a SUPER-fun planning workbook and calendar for 2013. I have already gotten started and I am loving it. You can view it at:

The most powerful question yet

As I work through my plan, Leonie has asked me to pick one word that will be the theme for 2013.

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I have been chewing and chewing on this one. If there were one word that would focus me on my next steps, what would it be.

On my walk in the woods with my puppies today, I thought….”I’ve got it! The word is DISCIPLINE! THAT is what I am going to need to take my business to the next level. I will need new habits, new ways of doing things, new structures in place to suppport all the goodness!”

My next thought was:

“UGH! Discipline!”

This theme was NOT going to do the trick. It would not take me through the planning workbook, nevermind all of 2013. Still, there was something in there. Something I KNOW would make the difference.

And then it came to me like a Lightbulb coming on!

If I were bringing discipline to all my new habits and practices and ways of doing business and relationships, I would be displaying…


Honor for my loved ones.

Honor for my clients.

Honor for my puppies.

Honor for my commitments.

Honor for my financial health.

Honor for the privilege it is to be alive.

Honor for my body.

Honor for YOU!

I have discovered MY theme. What is yours?

I invite you – as you create your Incredible 2013. What will your theme be? What word will you use to focus you on what is next and most delightfully important.

Love your 2013 UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Should We Re-audition? The Prom Date Dilemma

The Prom Dilemma
The Prom Dilemma

Three years ago, I lost a GIANT deal to a competitor. It was a bummer.

One year later, they came back-a-callin’. I was elated. I won the business this time.

My company went to work. Hard work. As soon as this lovely GIANT client signed on, one of their top executives decided they wish they’d stayed with the old supplier (not us).  This executive has never seen our stuff (or the other supplier’s either).

We have done an AWESOME job for this client in the last year-and-a-half. We have exceeded ALL of their very aggressive goals. We have bent over backwards for them. We have even lost money on them, to make sure they are happy and to prove that we are the AWESOME-est!

Now, this GIANT company is going into a re-evaluation process and want us to participate in a long drawn out Re-Audition. Against the old competitor.

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Sound like your prom nightmare?

Hottest boy in school is deciding between you and the other girl to ask to prom. He asks the other girl, but they start fighting and generally not getting along. So, they break up and he comes calling on YOU!

You are elated. You won! You do everything for this guy that you can imagine to make him delighted with his pick. But, the old girlfriend is still hanging around and you can’t seem to shake her.

So, a week before the prom, he decides to pit the two of you against each other in a contest to see who is the best bet.

You REALLY like this guy. What do you do?

Do you play?

I’m thinking NO!

Look, this company knows what we do, how we do it, and that we are AWESOME. We have auditioned already.

It’s time to say “Good-BYE to you!”

HONOR your employees, their Hard Work, and your Product

Don’t keep fighting and fighting. Let your COMPETITION try to make them happy.

Prom dilemma solved!

Go with the guy who gets it! Hard to do? Sure. Do it anyway.

Love your value UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

That’s Not Like YOU!


People value that I am consistent. My company values that I have consistently been the top sales performer since I’ve been on board (over nine years).

My customers value that I behave consistently with them. I am always on time and I get back to them with meaningful information when they have questions.

So, my consistency is a GOOD thing.

But, I am looking to see where my consistency might not work in my favor! Perhaps my predictability also has LIMITING ramifications in my life. What barriers DON’T I break because someone might say, “That’s not LIKE you!”?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

The Plot Turns on a Dime

Know how when someone in the movies breaks through a behavior – they say the thing you’ve been wanting them to say, or they take the new action that turns the plot on a dime?

I’m thinking of things like Rapunzel when she cuts her hair off in Tangled…taking power away from the Wicked Witch.

Or, in the Karate Kid, where Daniel-son fights in spite of a torqued knee.

That’s not like YOU…can set you free! It is exhilirating! The crowd cheers!

What things do you NOT do (or say) that would open up a whole new world…but you do not do (or say them) because That’s Not LIKE You?

Help me out below with some of your own ideas – or some other favorite movie examples!

Love your “Not Like You” UP!

AND, shouts out to Cindi Carlson, Rob Bartlett, and Dan Polley, new “fans”. I am SO glad you are here.

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The Handwritten Thank You Note Strikes Again

The handwritten thank you note strikes again
The Handwritten Thank You Note Strikes Again

I got STRUCK today.

With my own advice.

Remember that fabulous interview we did last week with Bob Burg? The one where HE gave us his precious time and talent – and great advice?

Guess what I got in the mail today! I got a Handwritten Thank You Note from Bob!

Know how I always say that the two most important things to wild success are “Be On Time” and “Send a Handwritten Thank You Note”?

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Well, I was right.

It was an incredible feeling and made me realize exactly why Bob is such a huge success! Yes, it takes extra time and it takes effort and thought (and a stamp). But it MAKES YOU STAND OUT because almost NO ONE does it!

Love your peeps UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Iron Lady – The quote to sum it all up for the week

The quote to sum it all up for the week:

Iron Lady“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become.”

~Margaret Thatcher

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Bringing a Dash of Dignity to the Art of Selling