The quote to sum it all up for the week

“If you’re always in a hurry, always trying to get ahead of the other guy, or someone else’s performance is what motivates you, then that person is in control of you.”

Wayne Dyer

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Love your OWN self up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The trick to dealing with overwhelm

Didja ever notice that the more overwhelmed you get, the more paralyzed you get, and the less you get done?

Funny thing about overwhelm…….when you get there it feels like there is an INFINITE amount of things that need to be done.

That’s the lie. There is a FINITE amount of things to get done.

When I finally remember to do this next exercise… always works.

I sit down with a piece of paper or an Excel spreadsheet and I write down EVERYTHING that comes into my head that requires my attention. I just jot it down as it comes into my brain….no filtering.

Then, I go back through the list and write – “Not Now” next to the items that I’m just not going to take care of right now. That one is REALLY fun!

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Usually, at this point, my energy is flowing enough to put “due dates” or “priorities” next to each of the open items.

If I’m feeling ESPECIALLY freed up – I block out times in my calendar to work on my list.

This always restores me and it is SUCH a relief. Somehow, life gets moving along again.

Love your systems up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Today I wanted to give up…..

There are so many things I’m committed to….and some seem like they are in a disaster!

Today, I wanted to just give up. Sometimes that happens for me. What if I just abandoned by dreams and slept and dreamt and forgot? It’s appealing!

I’m smart, though. I have daily calls with a dear friend who is only interested in my success (and me in hers).

With one call, I got to dump out my fears and frustrations. Tomorrow, I will let you in on a practice that works EVERY time. In our conversation, I got restored to my dreams.

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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have someone in your life who will keep you in your dreams. This is not just a daily routine. THIS IS YOUR LIFE and the difference you are here to make. Your life is precious and important.

Love ’em up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


A very personal note – not for the faint of heart

Many of you know Dan Waldschmidt, Chief Antagonist and Master of Sales and Sales Managment. ( He allowed me to conduct a public interview last year about Edgy Selling, maybe you attended.

Recently, Dan ran a 125-mile race (yes, that’s like 5 THOUSAND marathons) in one day. He did it to benefit TWLOHA ( an organization that helps people with serious depression, addiction, and suicide. He shared why this was important to him. You can see more in his blog.

At any rate, I was so moved by his commitment….it was personal for me.

Finally, two nights ago I had the courage to write him the email that follows. Amazingly, he found the time in his schedule to read it AND TO RESPOND to me. He encouraged me to make this private conversation public — because it matters to heal — and when you involve people in the REAL conversations, they can heal, too.

So, I share my letter with you… is vulnerable and visceral. It is my gift to you – if you have something important you need to heal, too.

I can tell you that things like this never go away, but they do get less disruptive and sometimes they even give you pathways to connect with others that weren’t possible before.


My mother killed herself when I was 28. She took a butcher knife to her throat, and arms, and ankles. She died in the tub reading a book called “The Black Marble” – she always read to pass the time.

She tried before when SHE was 19 and tried again when SHE was 25.

I have not had the courage to face the issue the way that you did. It ran too deep. I did not know how to even THINK about that I could make a difference for others.

My mother and I were very close. We spoke every day. I loved her dearly and did not see it coming.

She tried the first time before I was born and I was WAY too young to remember the second time.

After she died, it took weeks before my family finally told me that she had attempted this before in her life, as I wracked (sp?) my brains to figure out HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? THIS WAS NOT LIKE HER!!! I had no idea.

I am grateful I got 28 years with her. I can’t imagine the impact if she’d succeeded when I was little.

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She was amazing – (she didn’t know it). You would have LOVED her. Talk about edgy and loving and precise and brilliant! She was all of that.

I do not fault my family for not telling me, a young girl, that my mother was a suicide risk. Yet, it was hard that they took so long to tell me (once it had happened) that it was not a surprise to them. It startled me to no end. My world shook apart.

Your honesty and candor is moving to me. With your 125-mile run, I started to get in touch with a side of me that maybe I could make a difference with someone so dear to me. But just a touch, a light feather of an inkling. I didn’t even donate to your run, it’s so scary for me to touch it.

I don’t know how I found you, but I am lucky that there are “you’s” in this world.

So, thank you for making a difference with me. I know you are ABOUT making a difference for people and it matters that you know. Your vulnerabilty, swagger, passion, and madness are dear to me.

Thank you.


The Irreverent Sales Girl”

Watch the jealousy RUN!!!

Didja ever notice the jealousy running? The way you pretend you’re happy for someone else, but you really wish you’d gotten what they got instead?

It’s just because you don’t know how to get it for yourself — YET!!!!

There is plenty to go around for those who are willing to be a real resource to others and create REAL value in the world.

If you find you’re jealous, let your jealousy INFORM YOU!!! You want THAT, but how badly? Badly enough to MODEL them?

Better yet, hire them!!!

The riches and love of the world ARE available to you. People who are petty and small will get petty and small results.

People who push their boundaries, scare the hell out of themselves, ask for things they “have no right to ask for”, work with people who are better than them, COMPETE against people who are better than them (gracefully) ….. those are the people who get what they’re after and more!

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Next time your little green monster pokes out his head, look at him and say, “Really? You want that? Shall we GO FOR IT, my friend????”

Love your little green monster up!

It’s yours for the taking!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Winning an unwinnable game!

What is your goal right now?

Do you see a clear pathway? Or, does it seem impossible?

Do not worry.

If it is really your goal, the answer is simple.

Decide to achieve it and then give yourself NO alternative EXCEPT to achieve it.

If you feel that you don’t want to play it ALL OUT, consider that it’s not your REAL goal. Go find one that takes everything you’ve got – that IS worthy of your life!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Then watch all the magic that shows up to help you get there. You’ll be amazed!

Love your dreams up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Announcing the Debut……

Bear with me while I share a little story…..Thank you!

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Many of you know that the Magnificent Anne Marie Schlekeway was my coach before she moved on from this world with the help of Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Anne Marie was AMAZING, vivacious, talented, magnetic! AND she developed a brilliant 12-week coaching program called The Master Plan.

Before she passed away, she helped ME write The Irreverent Sales Girl’s Master Plan for Wild Success. It is brilliant!

But, I know one thing about me. I am not a coach and I don’t want to be one. I don’t even want to play one on TV.

So, after a long time searching, I have finally found the MOST AMAZING COACH to deliver the program in her absence. He is the Fabulous James Baird who has coached hundreds of people to realize their dreams. Anne Marie’s mother described him as “EXCITING” – and he is!

The Irreverent Sales Girl’s Master Plan for Wild Success is a heart-filled, generous, guaranteed results program to bring people the things they REALLY desire.

We are starting this 12 session program on May 29th. We will only offer it to ten people to start – because we care that the results are delivered.

Right now, there are six people registered for the Debut Plan that we are offering at a deep discount.

If you are one of the deep discount participants, I want you to agree to:

1) Get amazing results
2) Give a video, audio, and/or written testimonial about your results
3) Refer two people to The Irreverent Sales Girl’s Master Plan for Wild Success
4) Participate in assessments every week and one survey at the end.

This is a VaVaVaVoom offer that will ROCK your planet. If you want to check out the introduction and promises and schedule, go to:

I have a feeling we’ll go to waitlist by Thursday, so if you’re interested, don’t hesitate.

I can’t WAIT to love you up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

My promises for this week!

This week, I promise to light up every room I’m in by making sure that every person feels infinitely interesting – I will hang on their every word.

I promise to bring heart to every conversation.

I promise to honor my goals and restore my faith in them and myself.

I promise to be present in my work, no matter how big or small or tedious or interesting.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Will you join me?

Love it up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

The OBVIOUS quote to sum up this week!

Of course, the quote we all know and love, but well worth another read. I invite you to read it as if it were speaking only to YOU!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

– Marianne Williamson

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love your fire and joy up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Bringing a Dash of Dignity to the Art of Selling