Category Archives: Performance

How to perform – reliably

What if it is just THAT EASY…?

Ever notice how you have things in your life that came easily to you? Maybe you have a fabulous job. Maybe you have a great car. A magnificent relationship with the love of your life.  Not that it didn’t take work and focus, but it is something that is obvious that you have. And it’s likely something that other people WISH they had.

Now look at the things that you want badly badly badly …. but it seems too HARD to get. But, OTHER people have that thing, and for them, it’s been obvious and easy!

My point? Maybe you’re making it HARD. Hmmmm… What if you could change up your mindset? The focus and intention and right work could become obvious to you.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

It is in the nature of barriers that they fall. (Thanks, Quentin Crisp!)

I invite you to go help those barriers in your life meet their true nature sooner rather than later!

Love your desires UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Know when you are Irrelevant…

Oftentimes, I hear people refer to me as The Irrelevant Sales Girl…and EACH TIME it cracks me up! I LOVE IT!

Because, I AM Irrelevant.

You are the ONLY thing that matters. You don’t give a ……about what I HAVE ACHIEVED! YOU care about what you have achieved and what you are GOING to achieve.

My ONLY job is to find out how I can help you get there. Period!

People keep telling me to “come out from behind the avatar” of The Irreverent Sales Girl.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I’m not going to do it. Here’s why. The Irreverent Sales Girl inspires you. There is nothing to resist. She is a Cartoon Character for God’s Sake. Today, YOU are The Irreverent Sales Girl. Not “me”.

YOU matter. What YOU have to say is important. I want you to BE The Irreverent Sales Girl. (Or whatever you choose.) I will do it, too. We will do it TOGETHER!

Together, we become a community of WE MATTER! We have a voice!

You want to know who I am? Go to Twitter and look up @isalesgirl and ask for a phone call. I will have it with you! I WANT to know who you are and if I can help and what you are up to!  BUT, you have to PROMISE that you won’t reveal my true identity to CNBC when they call you! Pinky swear?

Let’s go out and create something magical! What do you say?

Love your OWN LIFE UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Find someone smarter than you…

I am a lucky girl!

Everyone around me is smarter than I am.

It makes me better.

And you? Who do you need to bring on? Who do you need to cut loose?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Just sayin’

If you are going to be your best, surround yourself WITH the best! As far as your eye can see! Surprise yourself!

Love it all UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Sometimes what you love hurts you…

This is a personal post.

Today, I was playing with my puppy. He has this lovely way to wake me up. (He is a 65-pound Labrador Retriever). Here’s what he does. He jumps on the bed and lays COMPLETELY on top of me and puts his nose in my face. I love it!

Today, we were wrestling around…and his back feet fell off the bed. He scrambled to secure himself…(you can picture it, right?) Front claws flying he dug in to anything that was solid…which included my left eye socket. WHOA!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Right away, I knew something was wrong. Yet, I had NO IDEA how wrong it might be.

I was bleeding. From my eye!

Tom took me to the ER. (I love him). I was a mess. I wasn’t a mess because of what had ACTUALLY happened. I was a mess because of what COULD HAVE HAPPENED!

Turns out, I didn’t even need stitches. They super-glued my eyelid to heal.

But, here’s what I had to deal with:

1) I value my looks and wonder if I could be successful as a de-formed woman – how deep is my commitment? What if he’d ripped my eyeball out?
2) I love my dog – this isn’t his fault. Sometimes the people we work with are just finding their own way and they hurt you, but they are not to be punished for it.
3) I am vain. I am judgemental. I look at the outside to determine if I want to be involved.
4) Tom was AMAZING with me, even though the entire hospital staff must have been looking at him like, “What did you do to her?”

How does this apply to sales or success? It doesn’t. Yet, it reminds me that I MUST DO SOMETHING NOW that is important. Risk it all. What we “think” we have, we don’t have. It can all turn on a dime!

Let’s go get WIGGY on what is important to us. Let’s remember WHO WE ACTUALLY are…in the face of anything.

Today, I was a scared, anxiety-ridden person — over scratches. I saw that I think my looks make me who I am! HA!

Now, I have to deal with that! This week, I am going to present to a Fortune 500 company…and I will do it, and I will be great. AND, I willl warn them that I look a little crazy.

Toooooo many lessons in this post. My favorite is…PUSH THE DOG TO THE FLOOR WHEN HE IS SCRAMBLING! Then, take THEM to the vet if need be. LOL.

Love your luck UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl


Repeat after me: You’re welcome.

You have NO idea how important this one phrase is.

Ponder it.

Get back to me.

Do you get it? (Most don’t)

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

Love acknowledgment UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Sales is a Science? REALLY?

I was in a sales training the other day. The man in front (who hasn’t ever actually sold anything…He’s been “in” sales – sales management, sales operations, stuff like that) was laying out the Art and SCIENCE of Selling.


This is where salespeople get hurt! Damaged! When they start to believe what the ‘experts’ say about how to do sales.

I AM SALES. I do it every day. Face to face. Phone to phone. Front lines.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I will tell you that there is NO SCIENCE to sales. If you’re talking about the “models” and “experimentation” and “observation” part of science..Sure, I’ll give you that.

BUT calling something science IMPLIES that you can do something re-producible, every time. As in…every time I put this many Hydrogen atoms in with this many Oxygen atoms, I will get water. Every time.

We could NOT have landed Curiosity on Mars without heavy-duty science. Hell, we couldn’t plug in our lamps and read by the light reliably without science. Or keep our food cold in the refrigerator.

THERE IS NO SUCH formula with sales.

Which is why salespeople get messed up. They hear things like “the science of sales” and they follow some formula that someone else MADE UP! (Still haven’t seen the math that works every time). But it doesn’t work for them, so they think they are just not doing it right. And they get beat down… AND they are trained to beat their customer into submission.



Someone needs to tell these fabulous salespeople that they have been snowed. Today, I am your someone.

Sales is an art. A beautiful and precious art. Something to master. It requires all of you and every bit of personal and professional growth that you can imagine.

Someone who does sales well is a GIFT; to their company, their family, their customers and themselves. (Read this wonderful story:

People LOVE to buy things that they want and need from other people.

Where is the breakdown then?

When we treat something so MAGICAL as sales as a “science”, we diminish the human spirit to numbers and formulas.

People are NOT numbers and formulas and they do not appreciate being treated that way.

I treat YOU as someone I want to discover. I seek to understand what you truly desire and do everything in my power to fulfill that desire. And to tell you when I cannot – but still collaborate to get you what you really do want. THAT is why I ROCK in sales!

I sleep in on days you don’t need me…and I work until 3 am on days that you do.

I fulfill on your intention. I get you what you want.

I AM The Irreverent Sales Girl … and SO ARE YOU!

Wanna move a crazy economy forward? Let’s ALL get in the business of getting each other what we want and need! Let’s engage in the ART of it.

I love sales UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl



A weird realization this morning…

I woke up feeling like I was finding my way through a jungle.

I immerse myself in a web of information that pulls me and pushes me in the journey of finding “success” – the word my sixth-grade teacher posted on the wall. I didn’t know what it meant – prob’ly still don’t!

I forget that I am wildly successful. I have done it all! I have built the business, earned the career, found the love of my life..but still I am wading through these tendrils, looking for the next Nirvana. (When I get THERE, I will probably complain that I miss doing the laundry).

I see that I am chasing all the things that SOMEONE ELSE said was success. I am alone in a sea of my own expectations. I am disconnected from those who revel in my life and who are achieving their dreams. I AM MISSING THE WHOLE THING!

The tendrils of the jungle tell me what I am supposed to look like, what I am supposed to wear, the income I am supposed to have, the car I am supposed to own.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

But, they are not me! They are not my voice. And, they are not YOUR voice.

I stopped and remembered who I am today. I am fatally flawed, but I have achieved things that some people want to achieve. And, I am going to share EVERYTHING I know. For reals. The BMW’s and the Volkswagen’s. The credit cards and the fear about money. The love of new love, and the fear of growing old. I am INFECTIOUS! I am a voice that wants to be heard.

So are you. I wake up like you do. I feel like you do. You are me.


The Irreverent Sales Girl


Guilty Pleasures

Yesterday, I had just HAD ENOUGH! I had been working to just “kill it” all week! I was TIRED!

So, I spent all day Sunday watching episode after episode of “Sex and the City” in my pajamas. Eating whatever I could scrounge from the refrigerator. I turned my phone off. I didn’t shower OR brush my teeth. I didn’t talk to anybody. I went to bed early. I did not do my laundry.

I tell you this for a very important reason. It is not because I am proud of this little episode.

It’s just I RARELY hear successful people tell you what they do when they are just being slugs. I guess I always thought that really successful people aren’t ever slugs.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I have imagined that their downtime is spent on exotic vacations to Caribbean resorts. It is all planned and perfect. They go for an energizing run! They read an inspiring book! They do somethiing positive and productive.

SO, I have ALSO made up that they are more successful than I am because they are never slugs. I am tired of having those thoughts in my head.

I’m going out on a limb here. But, I’m betting that these REALLY SUCCESSFUL people have all sorts of guilty little pleasures that they’re JUST NOT SAYING. If you have similar thoughts (like THOSE PEOPLE are doing it right, which is why I can’t do it.) I invite you to think again.

I also invite some of you REALLY SUCCESSFUL people to start sharing the deep and dark secrets. Before I hear about your FABULOUS organize-your-office, write your plans, set your intentions, make the bold calls, eat the frog first…I want you to tell me the truth about what you do when you just shut it all down! That gives me access to something real!

So, ready to dive in and tell the Truth? I am! I want to hear how it REALLY is for you!

Love all of YOU UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Does “Love” matter in a Fortune 25 Relationship?

Today I met with my client. An executive of a Fortune 25 company.

Together, for the last 12 months, we have been working to make sure their programs work (the ones I sold them).

It has been an uphill battle. They signed on with my company in good faith. They wanted our product (and needed our product). My key contact has taken a stand that my service will work in her company – despite management changes and priority shifts (anyone who works in Fortune 500 knows that this is standard – everything changes on a dime).

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

My client took a risk with us. There were glitches at the beginning that, frankly, put her job at risk.

But, she got in touch with me, and my company fulfilled (and in some cases, over-fulfilled) on her expectations.

Turns out, we have been able to TRIPLE results! YAY!

Today, I had coffee with my client. Her job is going great. Her boss is now impressed. We shared a couple of personal stories.

At the end of our meeting, we hugged and she said, “I love you, dear!”

Can a Fortune 25 person say “I love you” to a salesperson? Turns out, the answer is “YES”, if you’ve fulfilled what meant the most to her and her and her position!

Can men share this sentiment? I hope so!

But, today, I got an “I love you” hug from a Fortune 25 executive. And I am happy!

Love your clients UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

I hesitate to do this, please forgive me!

For three-and-a-half years now, you have been coming to my site for inspiration and resources. And love. And permission to be you….

Tonight, I am going to step outside of what I normally do…I am going to recommend that you BUY something. Aaaarrrgggh….you think…NOT YOU! I trusted you!

Yet, I have examined this curriculum, the price…I have personally met the people… Additionally, I MAKE NO MONEY if you participate.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

This stuff is really good.

I believe that you should put 3% of your income aside for education (Personally, I put 10% aside). This could fit into your professional development budget!

And this is some of the best stuff around.

Please check out and pick the teleseminar that is best for you. (I especially recommend Anthony Iannarinao – WHOA). You will NOT be disappointed (and if you are you can tell me).

I am also committed to the success of the most profound leaders in the sales industry…the ones who want to bring a Dash of Dignity to the Art of Selling…THIS MISSION is important to me. I’m just sayin’

Thank you for trusting me.


The Irreverent Sales Girl