Guess who’s our awesome SURPRISED Sales Expert Guest? (hint: @No1BestSeller)

Check out our most fun videocast where Shawn Karol Sandy of @SellingAgency and I cold call a BIG DEAL sales expert to see if he’ll come on our SellOut Show.

Besides the SURPRISE shenanigans, we touch on some cool sales themes. Like two things that top performing sellers NEVER DO!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

What are you doing still reading this??? Jump on over and check it out for yourself! While you’re at it, why not subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss a single fun moment?

And, don’t forget to…

…Love ‘em ALL UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Some Red Carpet Fun for You – Best Sales Inspiration Films of All Time

I am SOOO excited to share the Red Carpet episode of my new (and hilarious) VideoCast with the amazing Shawn Karol Sandy.

Want 15 minutes of fun? Here are our picks for the Best Pictures for Sales Inspiration!


Watch #RedCarpet episode w/ @SellOutShow – Hilarious & Fun #BestPicture #Sales #Inspiration

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I’d love to hear from you? What is your favorite movie clip for inspiration?

Love it UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

P.S. – Be one of the very first to subscribe to our show! That would be GREEEAAAATTT!

The Hardest Part of Writing My 2017 Plan

Today was the day I put pen to paper for my 2017 plan.

Perhaps you’ve just done something similar. I use (and LOVE) the Simple Success Plan. It puts everything for my business and my sales planning onto ONE PAGE. I can easily tweak and modify it throughout the year.

It keeps me grounded and on track.  

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

When I got to the part called “Vision”, I had to Iook at how I REALLY wanted my business to be. And also, of course, my “real life” (the two go hand-in-hand – GO FIGURE).

What I realized was…

It is HARD to write down exactly what I want because I “shouldn’t” want it that way.

…Like I’m not allowed to want it that way. Like – who am I kidding?

Some examples:


I want money to flow into my business hand-over-fist – while I am only doing the things that I love to do and feel like I have all the time on my hands to do it.

“NOOOOOOO… “, my little voice screams out in my head. “YOU CAN’T DO THAT! If you make gobs of money, you have to work your a** off to do it! How dare you say such a thing. Besides money is a terrible thing to want, dontcha know?”

So, I don’t write it down. (Even though, it’s what I really want.)

Another bold, audacious vision:


I feel great every day with unbridled energy – each new day is like a new experiment and I have plenty of “oomph” to get it all done!

My little voice leans back, arms crossed, looking at me sideways (I think it’s even tapping its toes) “Really? Ha! YOU? With your habits? Tell me another one!”

So, I don’t write it down. (Even though, it’s what I really want.)


And another one pops in.

I want hundreds-of-thousands of subscribers to my YouTube channel this year, with requests from Forbes, and Inc., and FastCompany, and Ellen DeGeneres to come spread my wisdom (and hilarity) about “Bringing A Dash of Dignity to The Art of Selling” – being on the stage with tens of thousands cheering and waiting to gobble up my next book or blog post or appearance on some cool TV show.

My little voice is having an apoplectic fit now. It is actually rolling around on the floor, holding its belly, laughing hysterically – tears streaming – saying “Please, my sides, you’re hurting me. I. Can’t. Take. It!”

So, I don’t write it down. (Even though, it sounds like a lot of fun.)

My final one.

The Sell Out

I want peace, and love, and happiness, and joy, and abundance, and the ability to stay present and surrender to challenges, and have the serenity to know what I can change and the wisdom to know the difference and [Insert Warmed-Over Porridge Here].

And, my evil little voice breathes an audible sigh of relief. Sits back and says “Yeah. That’s a good one!”

So I write it down.

And I leave, ready to go back to the life I settled for last year and the year before and the year before that.

…Unless, I don’t….and I get the eraser…And I write all that other stuff down ANYWAY!

Take THAT, little voice!

And that is my story about writing my 2017 Simple Success Plan. (Does it sound Irresistible now? You can try yours here:

Have fun and …

Love ‘em ALL up!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

To get the Totally Irreverent Tuesday newsletter (where I send the good stuff that I don’t share anywhere else), go here:


As we conclude the week of “Gatekeeper Relations/Ethics/Methods”, Thanks to Tom Tenseth @smgamesafari – I want to re-publish one of my very favorite articles – this is probably the third time I have re-published! I like it that much!

This one is from June of 2013. Enjoy!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I was giving a cold-calling training yesterday and my participant told me that her boss wants her to come up with two scripts….one for talking to a GATEKEEPER and the other for talking to the DECISION MAKER.

Oh, those words he is using! Gatekeeper? Decision Maker? Seriously?

Let’s talk about Star Wars for a second.

Remember those Storm Troopers – dressed from head to toe in armor and tinted face masks? (If you don’t – be sure to Google the image, you’ll see what I mean).

Know why they dressed them this way? What I’ve HEARD is so that the audience doesn’t HUMANIZE them. So, it was OK to kill them. No one would feel a shred of conscience about rooting for the Rebellion to take them all out! Dead!

 Now look.

What does this have to do with my revulsion to the words GATEKEEPER and DECISION MAKER? 

Yup! It takes the HUMAN out of the mix. So, NOW, when you are talking with one of these people, you sound like a GREAT BIG DORK, because the foul language you are using automatically puts you at cross purposes with the HUMAN on the other end of the phone.

Continue reading #TBT – WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!

3 Things You MUST Know About the “Gatekeepers”

As many of you know, I despise using the word Gatekeeper when it comes to calling on the assistants of the people I am hoping to reach. Why use language that puts you at war from the start?

But, many of you have asked for more insights about how to deal with this role in your sales efforts, so I will share with you what I have learned and the approaches that have been successful for me.

Here are the top three things I think about when calling on executives who have assistants.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

#1 Thing to Know about The Executive Assistant – They have an enormous amount of power!

They are in tune with the entire company and they wield an incredible amount of power. When it comes to knowing what their boss does and doesn’t care about, they are the expert. When it comes to navigating the company, there is no one better. Often, a request from the executive assistant is taken as if the executive made the request themselves!

Continue reading 3 Things You MUST Know About the “Gatekeepers”

My Three Favorite Articles (So Far) About Sales Gatekeepers

Dear Tom Tenseth (@smgamesafari)

This week’s for you!

A couple of weeks ago – you asked for more information in dealing with Gatekeepers – you said it is your biggest challenge and struggle.

While I have a lot of opinions about working with gatekeepers – which I will share in Wednesday and Thursday’s blog articles, I thought I’d do a bit of research before I weighed in.

DISCLAIMER: If you’re familiar with my stuff, you know I hate the word “gatekeeper”! Why put yourself in an adversarial position from the get-go? That said, I promised a week of articles related to the topic, so here we go!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

In my research, I found some articles I really liked:

  1. Interview with a Gatekeeper

This interview with “Alice the Gatekeeper” is quite informative. She is brutally honest about what she does and doesn’t like about dealing with salespeople on the phone. My favorite observations include:

“I like helping people, I really do.”  and “…I am a warm soul-filled person. Let’s have a real conversation and then be done.”

Want to get into the “gatekeepers” head? Read this one.

Continue reading My Three Favorite Articles (So Far) About Sales Gatekeepers

The Part of Sales That is Better Than … Well, Almost Anything!

Today we are going to wrap up our exploration of learning from the true greats.

This one has a special place in my heart. In one of my favorite sales gigs, I somehow got nicknamed – “The Closer”!

It was my absolute favorite part of the sales process and it still thrills me to take a deal across the finish line.

Like it’s better than almost anything else I know.

Now, I don’t know about you – or how much you’ve read about closing. There’s tons out there and, frankly, I’m NOT a fan. There is the assumptive close, the trial close, the sharp angle close, the Ben Franklin, The Porcupine… SERIOUSLY?

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I have no idea what these horrible techniques are or where they came from. I truly cringe when I come across them (I found these ones on Google).

Most closes you will learn have nothing to do with creating a great customer experience. They are more about getting the deal done no matter what.

Not true with James Muir. I can attest that this guy is the real deal and brings MORE than a dash of dignity to the art of selling!

Want to be a true pro and create a great reputation for yourself with your clients? Want to get the deal done in the most professional and effective manner?

You must get this book. Plus, James’ style of writing makes this an easy and fun read (when did you last hear THAT about a business book?)

The truth is – you can have the best sales processes and the best prospecting techniques, but if you can’t close the deal – you’ve got nothin’!

Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to Amazon and pick up this book for you and another for someone you care about.

James Muir’s The Perfect Close:

(Do NOT send this to your competition! Send them to the Porcupine close instead – you can Google it!)

Invest in yourself and don’t forget to…

Love CLOSING your deals UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Should you be a salesperson? Take the 100% Reliable Mostly Fool-Proof “Should I Be A Salesperson?” QUIZ here:

Who Loves Prospecting? Can I hear a “NOT ME!”?

I promised this week would be about some of the best in the biz to learn from! Great salespeople are not born – they learned how to be that way!

Thank Goodness, because I am anything BUT a natural.

But, I was committed. I learned, and I learned, and I learned. And I got really good!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

But only because I was learning from the greats!

Today, I want you to check out Mark Hunter’s new book – High Profit Prospecting!

It’s a little like the great tips you need for making the most of your workout at the gym.

I mean – who wants to go to the gym and work really hard, just to find that they exercises they are doing are getting them nowhere near to their goal?

Same thing with prospecting. Nobody thinks it is easy or comfortable, but your success as a salesperson depends SOLELY on your ability to prospect and have plenty of the right people to call on!

This book takes you there fast!

Here’s Mark talking about the book:

And, here’s how to get the book!

Make an investment in yourself and …

Love your prospecting UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

Psssst….want to get the really good stuff? The stuff you can only get in my Totally Irreverent Tuesday newsletter? Sign up here:

The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need

I have made a solid career in selling – Not because I was born a great salesperson.

In fact, my first forays into selling were an absolute disaster!

I mean what little girl can actually go door-to-door with fundraisers for school selling Christmas cards or wrapping paper or GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, for Pete’s sake, and FAIL.

I could. That’s who.

But, I was determined. I read every sales book I could get my hands on (even the terrible ones). I listened to tapes of the greats. I made sure I was in the room whenever I could get to a live training.

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

I learned, learned, learned, learned, learned.

From David Sandler, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar. And I got better. I had coaches, and mentors, and people who would give me a chance with hands-on training.

And I became one of the best! It turns out that selling IS a learned skill. Thank the heavens!

Today, I learn from the greats and this week I’m going to highlight three of them. If you read these guys’ stuff and apply their teaching, it will elevate your sales game in ways you’ve never imagined!

We’re going to kick off the week with Anthony Iannarino. The guy who gave me one of my first boosts as The Irreverent Sales Girl.

His book, The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, will of course be terribly mis-named when I finally write my Guide To Wild Success! But, in the meantime, I put my full weight of recommendation behind this book.

Here’s a video about Anthony – you’ll see how exciting he is! (Watch the part about David Coverdale).

Here’s how to check out his book!

Want to learn from the best. Here’s my first suggestion – read Anthony’s book and …

Love your sales career UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

P.S. Should YOU be a salesperson? Take the 100% Reliable Mostly Fool Proof “Should I Be A Salesperson?” QUIZ here: http://TheISGQuiz


So, I’m emailing the Demand Gen Specialist at Vidyard – great company – and I get this message back. Wow! I wish more people in business would feel free to show their real personality.

It may be business, but we are doing business with people here, after all!

Wondering how to go from 5 to 6 figures in sales? Check out this Free eBook:

This OOO made my day! Thanks to Wes Bush, he gave me permission to share:

Wes’s Subject Line: You like automated messages right? RE: Your message

Thank you for your message, %%first_name%%. I am currently lost somewhere below with limited access to internet.

How to get in contact (in order of preference)?

  1. Yell at the top of your lungs… 😉
  2. Email my co-worker & demand gen guru, Kim, for anything immediate
  3. Put URGENT in the title if you need me to take care of anything ASAP and I’ll review it when I find internet


-Wes Bush

P.S. If you don’t hear back from my EOD by Sept 7th, consider me a goner. 

The good news is that I did hear back from Wes! Phew!

Have a little fun with your peeps and don’t forget to…

Love ‘em UP!

The Irreverent Sales Girl

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Bringing a Dash of Dignity to the Art of Selling